So I can't believe its already September! It's crazy how fast the months are flying by. My first transfer is coming to an end, and I have loved just about every minute of it. Thank you all so much for the emails and the pictures! I Love getting to see and hear from you guys. Thank you Mom & Katie for the packages!!! You two are too good to me :) All of the missionaries in the zone are jealous of me because I have gotten a package or letter every week since I've been here. So thank you!
It's too bad Elder Roybal is being transferred, he is gonna be missed in Kannapolis. He did a lot of Great work over the past few months. Where's he going now? Smores is gonna have to fellowship the next missionary who comes in. I miss that cat, and Daisy.
I got Katie's little email, it still hasn't really hit me that she's been in England for a week, but I know that she is loving it and learning so much in the MTC. I Love what Dallin said about me Katie and Abby all working together around the world. So cool to think about!
I'm excited for the 40 day fast coming up. I know that the Lord is ready to pour out blessing on our family. I've realized this week how blessed I really am, and how blessed our entire family is. I don't have the words to expound on that, but I've really seen how blessed we are and I know that the Lord is mindful of each and every one of us. So, this week. This week has been kinda hard as far as investigators go. It's been difficult to have investigators keep commitments. But other than that, we have worked really hard, probably the hardest working week I've had yet. From me and Elder Blasko's hard work we have definitely seen the Lords hand, and we've had some pretty tender mercies this week. For example, there is a less active member we've been working with and he's working through some things right now, and we have built a pretty strong relationship with him. I love em', he's one of the nicest guys I've met in the mission. Anyway, it was at the end of a long day, and we felt like we hadn't really had much success, and this less active member was the last appointment we had for the night. Apparently he had a really good day, and he felt the spirit really strongly all day. So when we got there he was doing really good! We were so happy for him and we taught him about repentance and I read some verses from Alma 36, which is probably one of my new favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon. After we finished talking with him he thanked us for meeting with him, and the spirit was so strong. It's funny a lot of times members and investigators think we only there to teach them, but truthfully we learn from them just as much as they learn from us if not more. I have learned so much teaching and meeting with members and investigators. I guess my point is that, although me and Elder Blasko had a rough day that day as far as our investigators went, the work is the same with less actives, they are all children of God who need the gospel of Jesus Christ in their lives, and as we reach out to all people, the joy from doing that is the same. Christ says to leave the 99 and go after the 1 and that's kinda what we did that night.
I Love Missionary work you guys! I Just Love it! It makes me so happy to help others find true peace and happiness in their lives, it's pretty amazing. The field is white already to harvest. So I was asked to speak in sacrament meeting yesterday. Almost forgot about that. I spoke on Charity & selflessness. And I read example from the Bible of Christ showing that pure love and selflessness as He would turn out instead of turning in. I think it went pretty well, it was a good topic for me to study, especially as a missionary. I have been doing my best to remember charity, and to show it everyday as a representative of Jesus Christ. I'm far from perfect, I really am, and I have so much to learn, but I've seen that the more Christ like I try to be the happier I am and the more people will recognize me for who I represent and they will feel the spirit and they will see the light of Christ just by the way us as missionaries act. I try to study the Christ like attributes section in PMG every week so I never forget the things I should be working on and the traits I should have as a missionary. It's a special and sacred calling to represent the savior, and its humbling. I Love the savior, and I am coming to know him more and more everyday. Missions are so much more than baptizing people.
Well, all in all this past week has been a pretty good week. I am being refined and I am learning so much. I Love You guys So MUCH! I am still praying everyday for each of y'all. Thank you for your prayers and for everything y'all do for me. I hope my email wasn't to boring this week. I wish I was as funny as Abby, haha, I miss her a ton! Well, until next week loved ones :) Keep being who are, but never be afraid to change.
God Speed!
Love, Elder Page
P.S. I did the math and by the time I feel the cold again it will have been 3 years. Winter of 2013-Fall of 2016. California Weather!
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