13 PaGeS LoNg

WhErE tHe PaGeS oF tHiS bOoK nEvEr EnD

Monday, May 4, 2015

Another week goes by...

Hey Everyone!!!

This past week was a a good one to say the least! I feel like I'm just undergoing so much positive growth every single week. It's painful in the moment but looking back I always feel so good and grateful to the Lord in letting me change and become better with his help. This week me and Elder Henry focused a lot on finding new people to teach, that was our goal. We tried everyday to look out for those people we feel like god was putting in our path. And even for those we didn't feel like God was putting in our path we still talked to, because we're out here to share the gospel with all God's children our brothers and sisters. So even when we get rejected hard its good to know we are doing what we've been asked to do, and we are giving these people a fair chance at accepting the gospel. We ended up finding 7 new investigators by the end of this week, which is quite a bit for this area.

God is blessing us so much for the effort we are putting in. The evidence is so obvious that there is a Heavenly Father that loves us. It's really simple, when we do what's right and promise God we will do our very best at(At whatever it is) He will step in and help us, and not only help us with the task at hand but will give us more than we deserve and by additionally blessing us.

I got to go on an exchange with our zone leaders this week and it was one of the best exchanges/experiences I've had on the mission up till now. I was with Elder Benfell, he's from Virginia, super cool guy and an even better missionary! We set goals at the start of the exchange, and throughout the day worked hard and tried to do what the Lord wanted us to do. We had so much fun serving together, it was a blast! It's a good feeling to know you're getting things done, but it's a Great feeling when you know you're having fun while doing it! We became pretty close just after 24 hours. We got to know each other even better, we learned from one another, and we both grew together. I've said it before but I'll say it again. This work brings not only the families we are teaching closer together, but as a missionary I have built some of the strongest relationships while in the Lords service. The fact that I can get to know, enjoy spending time with, and learn to love someone over 24 hours hapens like this only in the service of the Lord! I Love It. It's a miracle really to see. This Gospel very simply blesses.

There are a lot of Investigators me and Elder Henry are teaching right now, but if I had to pick a favorite right now it would be Christy. Christy is the mom of 3 kids, two girls and a boy, and she is pretty awesome! The first few times she met with us she was a little hesitant with it all, but over the past few weeks she has really opened up. Her heart has been softened. She loves when we come over and teach her, she really is just taking it all in. Its funny when we see that she is having a spiritual confirmation and we ask her how she feels, and initially she doesnt want to admit it, but she always ends up just saying how good she feels when she understands what we are sharing. She has even said over the past couple of weeks she has been praying to have a better relationship with one of her daughters and she has seen a difference. She said she feels closer to her daughter. And her daughter has even sat in on the last 2 lesson! She's been to church once and we're hopefully gonna keep her coming, but I just want to make the point again that this gospel blesses our lives when we understand and live it.

I Love sharing it with people and I love to see people change for the better. I love Long Beach, My mission, The Lord and his work! And I Love Y'all. Thank you for all that you do, really everything! Have a good week, and I will talk to You On Mothers Day!!!! Heck Yeah! Godspeed!

Love, Elder Page

(Elder Henry's old companion that has since gone home but was back for a visit and got them dinner)

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