13 PaGeS LoNg

WhErE tHe PaGeS oF tHiS bOoK nEvEr EnD

Monday, May 18, 2015

Round 2 in LB4th!!!...

So to just right to it, Me and Elder Henry will be staying together another transfer here in the Long Beach 4th Ward. We are both really happy to be staying together, just for the goodness of our companionship, the progression of our investigators, and the love we have for this area. It's gonna be a blast serving with Elder Henry for another 6 weeks. I'm glad the Lord trusts us enough to let us stick with each other and continue to serve the best we can.

There are a lot of changes being made in the zone. It's sad to see missionaries you've come close to leave, but at the same time, you just know you'll see them again and we are always united by the work we're doing. The Lord watches over us and allows us to be one in purpose, which is always cool to remember. I can't believe 6 weeks went by that fast! It's just continues to amaze me. But another 6 weeks will hopefully be the positive difference for some of our investigators.

Christy is doing really well still. She feels happier than she ever has, she is praying and she finally committed to actually read the Book of Mormon. We even helped her install the gospel library onto her phone, so she says she has no excuse. Last lesson we had with her we simply went over the entire restoration, hitting hard on prophets, Christ's ministry, authority, the great apostasy, and finally Joseph smith and the Book of Mormon. For some reason this time, everything just clicked with her! We were honestly shocked! But we knew it was because we planned hard for her lesson and thought how we could tailor the message to Christy. She started to cry at the very end when we asked her How it would feel to know that God really did reach out to her in Love by giving her another Prophet. She just said that it would feel REALLY Good, and that it would help her feel that God really does Love her and care about her. And she knows now the Only way she can know if there is a prophet on the earth today is by reading the Book of Mormon and asking Heavenly Father if its All True. So overall Christy is doing really well. We're gonna meet again with her tonight.

We also had a pretty cool finding story this week. It actually happened last Monday night. But we were out going by people and we were actually in the projects so there were people everywhere! We were pretty much done going by the specific people we had planned to see and on our way out we were stopped by this girl, she was 18 and she had a little 7 year old brother. Her names Natalie and she just asked us if we could help her and her little brother find a church to go to, because they wanted to go, especially her little brother. So we said, Definitely! And told her about the church a little bit. And instead of just saying Alright well y'all have a nice night we'll hope to see you on Sunday, we just asked her if she had 15 minutes we could share a special message with her, she immediately said yeah sure! So this was crazy enough, but to make it even better, just as we were about to sit down another girl about Natalie's age walks up and says, Hey Elders! Instantly my Modar (Mormon Radar) was going off, and it turns out she was a member! She was from Utah visiting family who were nonmembers there in the complex! So she came and joined us, and her and Natalie knew each other and were good friends because she had recently moved. I Hope all of this is making sense. I feel like Abby trying to tell this story. Yopu gotta get every little detail in! Anyways, to make a long story short, we helped Natalie feel Gods Love and We taught her a little bit about prophets and how we have one on the earth today, and that really interested her. It was a short lesson, but having the girl that was a member there really helped Natalie feel comfortable and brought the spirit stronger.

Very Simply, I know God puts people, His Children, Our brothers and Sisters in our paths. So that we can bless, strengthen and uplift one another. This Gospel blesses families and it can bless each of us individually. I know that that is true because I have seen it, but more so Felt it in my life. I Love this work, I love My companion, and I Love Y'all!

I Hope you have a really good week. Be safe, Pray Often. God Speed!

Love, Elder Page

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