What a week! This week has just been so nice. I really have a genuine love for these people! I especially have found much joy in how the world is SO small! Our friend, Renata, is from the Chezk Republic (spelling?) and she is so great. She's been progressing really well! But we had two really scary moments this week, we were almost dropped by Renata and Rob! First Rob just wanted us to give up, but of course we're way to determined for that. But anyways on the way back from Chorley we felt particularly prompted to ask him if he wanted a blessing (like what Steve Page gave me before I left for England) and as soon as we call him, he said yes. The Elders were able to come and give him a blessing, and after Rob just said that he felt so peaceful. We explained to him that it was the Holy Ghost and that is what He does. He can comfort us. It such a miracle that Heavenly Father prompted us to ask him right at that time, because that was so not in our plans, but it all worked out perfectly. It's amazing how God can do that :) We then were almost dropped by Renata because she just wasn't interested anymore. We haven't been able to get her a Chezk Book of Mormon yet, and we were waiting until the next zone meeting until we could get one, but then they cancelled it! So there was no way for us to get one. But Heavenly Father knew that would happen and had it work out ever so perfectly that our district leader was going to Manchester on Friday for a meeting (the day Renata decided she wasn't too interested) and was able to pick one up for us! We immediately got it to her, and now she is reading every day :) It's so amazing to me that Heavenly Father is all knowing, but still allows us to chose our path in this life. I do know that He will do all that He can to help people to come closer to him. I know that Heavenly Father is so very aware of us, He knows each and everyone of us personally, because I got a blessing this week as well. It amazes me everytime that Heavenly Father knows EXACTLY what I'm going through, and I always find so much peace in that. Thank you for all of the prayers and love, I really feel it.
Love, Sister Miller
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