13 PaGeS LoNg
WhErE tHe PaGeS oF tHiS bOoK nEvEr EnD
Monday, December 28, 2015
Email after Christmas...
So, I find it hard to really know what to say after talking to everyone on Christmas. I guess I can say that I really appreciate everything that was said to me, words of encouragement, old jokes that were told, talk of the future, just everything left me feeling really good. I felt so much Love from everybody, and although we are (in distance) far apart, I felt closer to y'all than I ever have while being out here. It was the best Gift I received on Christmas! Scarlett and Jack were both looking adorable. Boy I cannot wait to play with those little babies and love 'em and kiss them than hug them when I get home. I've been an uncle for almost 18 months and I haven't even had the chance to spoil any of my nieces or nephews! All 4 of them better be ready for me when I get home.
One thing I realized I missed out on was being reunited with daisy. As soon as we ended the call I realized that I hadn't seen him and it made me pretty sad, but as long as he is still his cute fat self I can wait to see him in May. Tell him I miss him.
Anyway, as far as missionary work goes for this week, things I haven't already shared. we did get a chance to meet with Daleen the other day and it went really well. She read 2 Nephi 31 on her own and said that the Lord told her that she needs to be reading and praying more. And that's one thing that both Elder Hart and I had thought of going into the lesson, so it worked out perfectly. She knows that when she is doing the little things that make a big difference she is happier, she is better able to resist temptation and she is closer to baptism. So just keep praying that she will keep moving forward in faith.
We also had a chance to go back last night and teach the older couple Art and Libby, their 14 year old granddaughter was there as well (the sister of Sarah)(the one whose a member and referred us to Art and Libby) It went pretty well, we taught them the full blown plan of salvation lesson and the best part was is that it all made sense to them. we were helped by the spirit in asking good questions to get them thinking and that helped them understand everything that was shared. They agreed with it all, and it was a perfect way to lead into the Restoration talking about how we have the plan of salvation and why we need it. They invited us to come back next sunday and share some more and they already had a Book of Mormon so Libby said she would start reading it. Its always good to be able to share the gospel at its finest, the restoration, the Plan of Salvation, faith, repentance, baptism, holy ghost, and enduring to the end. The spirit ALWAYS Testifies of the truth and Both Libby and Art As well as Daleen and others that we are teaching feel that, and it makes me Happy, and I Know it makes the Lord Happy.
I Love You All A Ton, beyond words I can use to describe, especially from my vocabulary. But just know That I do and more than that I pray that y'all will feel it. Until Next week. Happy New Year! Bring It On 2016! Godspeed!!!
Love, Elder Page
Cold and Rainy in CA
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Merry Christmas...
Hey Everybody!
I can't say I believe its Christmas this week already, but I guess it is. Man, the past month has flown by faster than any other I think. Its been a good week, partly because of the work that Elder hart and I have been able to do, partly because we had our mission Christmas Conference, and I think the other part is just because I know Christmas is right around the corner and my inner child is starting to come out! Christmas on the mission is unlike any other Christmas I've ever had and I cant believe its my second one. I'm excited for the time I'll have to spend with members, opening gifts, Christmas caroling as a zone, the time I'll get to Skype home, and of course just the spirit of not only acknowledging Christ, but sharing his gospel with others.
This week has been a lot of that. Just last night Elder hart and I experienced what I would consider a miracle. We had planned to visit a family from the ward and teach them and spend some time with them, unfortunately though they were running a little late, so we had this awkward 1/2 hour to kill. We were in the area that had an older couple living in it that had been referred to us about 2-3 months ago. We had been by there house multiple times but could never catch both of them there. They're special because, their own granddaughter actually referred them to us, and so its a nice lead in. Of all the people we could've stopped by we both felt that it was a good idea to stop by them and see if once and for all we can catch them both at home. We knocked on the door and sure enough they were both home, they invited us right on in, sat us down, and began feeding us Christmas Cookies and milk. We were both pretty full from dinner but ate and drank on. We talked with them for a bit, and whats crazy is that right as we had knocked on the door, the wife Libby was just finishing up a call with their granddaughter (the one who referred them to us). It was perfect timing. She said over the phone to her granddaughter, "The Elders Are here! The Elders Are Here" So we decided after getting to know them both a little better (Art & Libby) We watch the Savior is Born video with them and they loved it. After watching it we asked them how they felt and their responses were warm, tingly, at peace and so on. It was awesome! I almost felt like I was dreaming here, but I knew I wasn't. We asked them what other times in their life they've been able to feel the spirit of Christ and Libby instantly started to get emotional. She had explained that recently her cousin and Sister had passed away and its been hard to cope with it. We began Sharing a bit of the plan of salvation and the spirit was so strong. I could just tell by the look in their eyes that they knew that the words we were speaking were true and good. we said a prayer and set up another time to return and visit them next week.
I hope this little story wasn't too long, I hope y'all can see just how perfect everything played out. It goes to show that although our plans may not always work out the way we expect they always work out the way the Lord wants them to. And it will always be for our good and for others good. The Lord has prepared Libby and Art to receive the gospel, I know That Much! And its awesome to see my brothers and sister except it so willingly. That for me was the highlight of the week, so I don't see a need to say much more. All I know is that I am where I need to be, I am Happy , and that Heavenly father knows each of us, better than we know ourselves. He Loves us. Until Friday when I Skype Y'all, Godspeed!!!! Have A Great week and Merry Christmas!
Love, Elder Page
P.S. I'll get back to y'all later in the week as to when exactly we plan to Skype
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
A Week of Gratitude...
Oh My Goodness, where do I even begin with this week. This week has been Heaven Sent! I had to just write down the major things I wanted to mention because There's so much that's happened that I wanted to tell y'all about. To Start off, on Thanksgiving we had the chance to meet as a mission and were introduced to the new Christmas initiative the church has come out with. It was overall a really Awesome meeting, but what I really loved was at the end we sang "Because I Have Been Given Much" And as a room full of a couple hundred missionaries sang that together I couldn't help but tear up a little, because at that moment I realized among all of the things that could ever go wrong about life, if we put the Lord first his blessings will Always out weigh the hardships. I felt that while singing, I am So grateful for the many blessings the Lord has given me and the blessings I know he will continue to give as I'm faithful to him and his gospel. What A better way to show that I'm thankful than to share what I have with other, like the song says.
Speaking of Sharing, we went to the temple today and the spirit there was Strong not only around but I really could feel it within myself. The Lord really can and will give revelation to us and our lives if we ask for it. And This is something I really want for the people I'm teaching right now, is to feel even just a little bit of that same spirit. We've been able to work out with a couple of members in the ward to take Daleen and our other investigator Shirley to the La visitors center on the 14th of December. And the coolest part about it all is that we get to go with them! Its a new change in policy where as long as we are taking people, we can go! We're Super excited and so Daleen and Shirley.
Another really amazing opportunity to share the Gospel we got the week was, believe it or not, through the Boy Scouts in the area. Yep, good ol Boy SAcouts. So all of the local troops were doing a "commandment walk" this week. So they go to different churches in the area and they are taught about the 10 commandments. Elder Hart and I as well as the Sisters in the ward were put in charge to run the whole thing. We gave them a church tour (about 150+ people!) and then had everyone sit down in the chapel and we were lucky enough to teach the 6th commandment (Thou Shalt Not Kill) it was fun, haha. It gave us a really great chance to share out testimonies of the Restored gospel as the asked questions at the end, the spirit was doin' work! It was a really neat experience that I won't forget.
One of the last things, a while back I had shared an experience Elder Prisbrey and I had of finding and teaching JP, young guy, searching for truth, 8 month old daughter and married, Awesome little family. Well until last night it had been a little while since we could catch him at home, but last night we witnessed a miracle! I'll save y'all the long story, but just know how things worked out was miraculous! And so we caught him and his wife and their little baby at home together! We shared with them the Christmas video, and a few other videos, after feeling the spirit they immediately started asking really sincere questions about the Book of Mormon and prophets and every things. It was amazing to see that the spirit was helping us answer their questions and to see their hearts really soften and open up. It was a great meeting with them and they want us to come back next week and have a lesson on the gospel of Jesus Christ using chapters out of the Book of Mormon. We were all for it! Its not everyday you have your investigators making You lesson plans for you, haha, they are an awesome couple and so we plan on bringing a family from the ward with us next time. Our wards full of young couples so things should go well!!
All in All This week has been The Lord All day. He just keeps showing me that he is there and always will be. He really is The good Shepherd. It seems that when we all begin to lose our way or our focus, as we look to him he is able to guide us back to the trail, back to the path that leads to happiness. I Love Him and am getting to know him better everyday. I wouldnt trade these experiences for anything. I hope y'all got an idea of what a week it was for us. I cant wait to share more in the weeks to come, until next time,
Love, Elder Page
P.S. I wrote Adriana a letter a couple of weeks ago and I saw Elder Anderson at the meeting on Thanksgiving and he said Adriana is doing well and she thanked me for remembering her. It was nice to see that she appreciated it and that I can do even something as small as a letter to keep her flame glowing bright. She is an awesome member now!
Monday, November 23, 2015
Another Good Week In Cali...
This past week was filled with really neat experiences. The past few weeks its been a struggle to find new people to teach and so at the start of this week we made it a goal to find new investigators and to work hard with those we already have. We made sure that as we prayed for the help to find, we were willing to do everything to find those the Lord has prepared. I've learned this week that Faith to do anything takes action, it takes patience, and it takes hope that through faith things will happen according to the Lord's will. To make a couple of long stories short we ended up finding two new people that are both pretty interested, We talked to and taught both Roxanne and Sharee. They both are really open and willing and ready to learn. It was refreshing seeing that the Lord really does have people he prepares we just have to be willing to seek them out. "Seek and Ye Shall Find", was the reoccurring thought I had this week.
This week was a week of strengthening the ward here and it's members. It wasn't really a conscience effort we made, it felt like it just happened. It was natural. And it was Awesome to look back on the week and see all of the members we visited, had out teaching with us, and had dinner with, and to see the relationships we have with them being strengthen. I've realized more and more out here that our purpose really is to invite All to come unto Christ. That's literally everyone.
Daleen is doing really well. She is still making progress, she missed church yesterday which was a bummer, but hopefully we'll be have FHE with her and a family from the ward tonight. It really has been the small and simple things that have helped her over the past few weeks, and I know a huge help has been all of yall that have prayed and fasted for her. I know that things will work out in the end for Daleen.
Today, we are short on time so I dont have much more to say. I really am happy here doing the Lords work, thank all of you who have emailed me and given me words of encouragement and love. It really does make a difference. I'll hope to have more experiences to share next week, but until then,
Love, Elder Page
This week was a week of strengthening the ward here and it's members. It wasn't really a conscience effort we made, it felt like it just happened. It was natural. And it was Awesome to look back on the week and see all of the members we visited, had out teaching with us, and had dinner with, and to see the relationships we have with them being strengthen. I've realized more and more out here that our purpose really is to invite All to come unto Christ. That's literally everyone.
Daleen is doing really well. She is still making progress, she missed church yesterday which was a bummer, but hopefully we'll be have FHE with her and a family from the ward tonight. It really has been the small and simple things that have helped her over the past few weeks, and I know a huge help has been all of yall that have prayed and fasted for her. I know that things will work out in the end for Daleen.
Today, we are short on time so I dont have much more to say. I really am happy here doing the Lords work, thank all of you who have emailed me and given me words of encouragement and love. It really does make a difference. I'll hope to have more experiences to share next week, but until then,
Love, Elder Page
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Fall is Finally Here...
Hello Everybody,
So I'll go ahead and start off by saying it's been a glorious week here in Southern California, because for the first time this year I've had to wear a sweater for three consecutive days! But really, the leaves are beginning to change, the air is changing. and it's dropped below 60*. Things are good here, I can't complain. One thing that hasn't gone that great this week has been my bike. After today I will have had to replace a popped tube 3 times! Its been one day after another. Lets just say we've done a lot of walking, haha. Which has been good, its given Elder Hart and I time to really just talk openly with each other. And of course more opportunities to talk with people we pass by. The Lord always seems to bless in ways we don't normally imagine. In fact some of our greatest blessing come disguised as curses, until our eyes are opened to His ways. The work is going really well, Daleen is continuing to progress, we had an fhe with her and an awesome family in our ward, the Gillilands. They've done an awesome job at fellow shipping Daleen. She's practically a part of their family now. We also had a fun dinner with a family from the ward, the Lozano's. Daleen really liked them. And the best part is is that they live right down the street from each other! And lastly, Daleen was able to come to a baptism of an 8 year old in the ward on Saturday. Half way through the baptism I looked over at Daleen, and she looked back, and had tears streaming down her face. So she enjoyed it. You can always count on baptisms to bring the spirit hard. Thank You All for the Prayers youve offered fro her, she needs them and has felt them. She thinks its the weirdest but coolest thing that we are doing a family 40 day fast. And it seemed to really touch her when I said people would be fasting for her.
A quick update on an investigator we've kinda had on the side for a while because he's been busy with work and out of town. His names Kevin, and He works for BMW and his last business trip ended up being quite the blessing. Before He left for Germany a few weeks ago we told him about general conf and said he could look up a church where he was at and watch it. Of course with work and everything we didnt actually think he would go and watch a session, but he proved us wrong. We finally caught him earlier this week and he had said he found the nearest stake center in Munich (where he was) and watch a session of conference! We were pretty shocked but told him how awesome it was that he did that! Kevin is pretty dang prepared but I don't think he knows it just yet. He is someone we plan on working closely with over the next couple weeks. It just goes to show that The Lord, (although its said a lot), truly is preparing people to receive the gospel. I am loving my mission, and things really are where I want them to be. I know God is looking out for me and those I love. I have been recently trying to count my blessings because I know I have been given a lot and if we show Heavenly father that we're sincerely grateful for the things we have already been given, he will eagerly and willingly bless us more. I Love Y'all! I Love Our Family and I can't wait to hear more news of whats going on with you next week. Keep things interesting! :) Until Next Time, Godspeed!
Elder Page
So I'll go ahead and start off by saying it's been a glorious week here in Southern California, because for the first time this year I've had to wear a sweater for three consecutive days! But really, the leaves are beginning to change, the air is changing. and it's dropped below 60*. Things are good here, I can't complain. One thing that hasn't gone that great this week has been my bike. After today I will have had to replace a popped tube 3 times! Its been one day after another. Lets just say we've done a lot of walking, haha. Which has been good, its given Elder Hart and I time to really just talk openly with each other. And of course more opportunities to talk with people we pass by. The Lord always seems to bless in ways we don't normally imagine. In fact some of our greatest blessing come disguised as curses, until our eyes are opened to His ways. The work is going really well, Daleen is continuing to progress, we had an fhe with her and an awesome family in our ward, the Gillilands. They've done an awesome job at fellow shipping Daleen. She's practically a part of their family now. We also had a fun dinner with a family from the ward, the Lozano's. Daleen really liked them. And the best part is is that they live right down the street from each other! And lastly, Daleen was able to come to a baptism of an 8 year old in the ward on Saturday. Half way through the baptism I looked over at Daleen, and she looked back, and had tears streaming down her face. So she enjoyed it. You can always count on baptisms to bring the spirit hard. Thank You All for the Prayers youve offered fro her, she needs them and has felt them. She thinks its the weirdest but coolest thing that we are doing a family 40 day fast. And it seemed to really touch her when I said people would be fasting for her.
A quick update on an investigator we've kinda had on the side for a while because he's been busy with work and out of town. His names Kevin, and He works for BMW and his last business trip ended up being quite the blessing. Before He left for Germany a few weeks ago we told him about general conf and said he could look up a church where he was at and watch it. Of course with work and everything we didnt actually think he would go and watch a session, but he proved us wrong. We finally caught him earlier this week and he had said he found the nearest stake center in Munich (where he was) and watch a session of conference! We were pretty shocked but told him how awesome it was that he did that! Kevin is pretty dang prepared but I don't think he knows it just yet. He is someone we plan on working closely with over the next couple weeks. It just goes to show that The Lord, (although its said a lot), truly is preparing people to receive the gospel. I am loving my mission, and things really are where I want them to be. I know God is looking out for me and those I love. I have been recently trying to count my blessings because I know I have been given a lot and if we show Heavenly father that we're sincerely grateful for the things we have already been given, he will eagerly and willingly bless us more. I Love Y'all! I Love Our Family and I can't wait to hear more news of whats going on with you next week. Keep things interesting! :) Until Next Time, Godspeed!
Elder Page
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
I love my mission with all my Hart...
Hey, Everybody!
This past week has been one of the best weeks of missionary work I've had a a good while! I cant think of a better way to start off the new transfer and My time with my new companion Elder Hart. We are already getting along great! He's a pretty quiet person for the most part but I've opened him up a little bit over the past week. When I does talk though its usually pretty funny, The Lord definitely knows who we need to be with and when. Its been different working with Elder Hart, but we seem to work well with each other and with the start of the new transfer I think I've kicked myself in the butt and have put my efforts into the higher gear. It feels good to look back on a week and know you gave it you all, set a good example for your companion and those around you and, had fun doing all of it! We made it a focus this week to have members involved more and to do more to rely on them in getting things done. Earlier in the week we had Alex, the kid that's about to leave on a mission in January come out with us to do some gardening service for our investigator Shirley. She then took us out for lunch and we had a good discussion on the need for scriptures these days, and its been awesome to see Shirleys attitude towards the book of Mormon change, she now talks about it like its one with the bible instead of our "Mormon bible". So progress definitely being made there! We did quite a bit of service this week for members of the ward too. yard work, redoing houses, and moving furniture. Its been a good way for elder hart to get to know the ward and for us to continue building relationships with them. I'm loving this ward, I really hope that we stay together till the end of the year. Daleen is doing really well. This past week was a hard one for her, but we made the extra push to just keep her on track, focus on her goals, and most of all rely on the savior. She came to church yesterday so that was Sweet! We are really making an effort to get her more involved with members of the ward, so she can feel loved and supported. So far the ward is responding well and this week we have something lined up for her Every day that will keep her on track and feeling the spirit. Including dinners with members, baptisms to attend, arp meetings twice this week, going to the beach to read scriptures, church and an fhe with a family from the ward tonight. Its honestly been exhausting working with Daleen, but I think that's why I have truly enjoyed helping her except and live the gospel over the past few months. Conversion isn't meant to be a piece of cake, but when it does occur you feel true Joy, and helping Daleen and being a part of her conversion has been such a blessing. Working with Daleen has taught me a lot of patience, I've become more understanding of how the savior must feel when we make the same mistakes over and over again but he's always there to pick us back up.
I've learned compassion, and I have really just had a greater appreciation for the gospel in my own life. Seeing Daleen get baptized will be the sweetest moment I've had yet on my mission, and I know she can make her date with continual help and effort. Please keep praying and fasting for her. We;re gonna get there with the Lords Help! Missionary has just been sweet this week, literally Sweet like sugar. And I know its because I've done a lot of relying on the Lord and trying my darndest at everything.
Well, I realize I've written quite a bit so I'll go ahead and finish up, but I Love Y'all, and thank you for keeping me in your prayers. I am lucky to have friends and family like you. I'm never alone here. I'm hopeful for things to come and cant wait to continue sharing my experiences! Until next week, tell all the nieces and nephews I love them (though I haven't met them) and give em kisses for me. Thanks! Godspeed!!!
Love, Elder Page
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Ether 6:5-12...
So for this weeks email I just wanted to start by sharing something that I learned from my studies. I was reading in Ether 6 and as most of ya know Ive been studying the Book of Mormon and looking for ways the Lord is Merciful and this chapter really opened my eyes. In verse 5 it says, "And it came to pass that the Lord God caused that there should be a furious wind blow upon the face of the waters, towards the promised land; and thus they were tossed upon the waves of the sea before the wind." When I read that I first thought, man the Lord is purposefully sending waves and winds and storms their way, why in the world would he do that, maybe to try their faith... im not sure. And the more I thought about it, it occurred to me that it says, "Towards the Promise Land" The ferocious winds and the waves that tossed them were actuallt pushing them and leading them closer to where they wanted and needed to go! The spirit hit me So strong when I read that and came to that realization! A lot of times we think that trials are simply to stand as road blocks and and used to increase our faith, which they are. But here its pretty clear that the very trials that were beating down on them were Actually what got them to where they desired to go. The Lord Knows us, he knows what things will help us get to where we need to go, whether it be spiritually or literally, He Knows, and will get us there! I've really felt that the things that I've experienced and that have happened on my mission although sometimes may seem like meaningless hiccups are exactly what the lords planned for me to experience. And its those experiences that are molding me, shaping me, and helping me become the person I want to be, My Loved Ones want me and need me to be, and most of all who God wants and needs me to Become.
So that's my spiritual thought for the week. Now on to the Logistics! Haha, but really this week has been a good one. Our ward threw their Annual Halloween Party and it was Great! There were a lot of goofy costumes, and a lot of goofy members not dressed up in costumes. It was really fun, there was a chili cook off (Heartburn is Real), A guitar, banjo, and violin "sing along" (I Loved that) and of course trunk or treating. we obviously didn't have a car so people gave us a bucket of candy to walk around and hand out to kids. There were lots of no members there which is always good. Our investigator Shirley drove all the way to the church and called us a few times so we could walk in with her, but we didn't ever hear the phone and seen that she called till after the party was over, and by that time she had driven home. It kinda bummed us out, but the party was still fun and she said she'll come to the Christmas one in December. As far as other news goes... Elder Prisbreys getting Transferred :( We are both pretty sad. Its been some of the best weeks of my mission. I love Elder Prisbrey, he is definitely someone I will meet up with after the mission and hang out with. We are brothers for life. we have had experiences that have changed us and strengthened us forever. He will be going down to Huntington Beach YSA Ward, so he cant complain! As for me, I will be staying here in the Woodruff ward for another 6 weeks, and my new companion's Elder Hart, I don't know a whole lot about him. He is pretty new to the mission. He is Just getting out of training, so I'm hoping I don't corrupt him, Just kidding, I'm excited and ready to Love him and become friends with him. I know the Lord will use us as instruments in his hands to bring more people closer to him. I trust that things will be good and we will enjoy our time together! That's Pretty much it for the week guys, I'll clue you in on more things to come. God is Great, The Work is Good, and people are still crazy here in Long Beach, so I'm Lovin' It! Until Next week, Be safe and enjoy everyday!
Love, Elder Tory Steven Page
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
That's what the Gospel of Jesus Christ does...
Hello There Everybody!
This emails gonna be short but I hope its good for those of you who still read my emails. It's been a long week, but very busy. A few day ago the whole zone helped out at a band competition at Long Beach city college. It was pretty fun and entertaining. Elder Prisbrey got burnt to a crisp though along with some others. I've learned from past mistakes and hid in any shade I could find for most of the service. It was cool to be there and be around other people who volunteered and were looking to help out.
Our mission has been focusing a lot lately on just serve projects, just getting us missionaries out amongst the people in the community, serving and setting good examples as members of the church. On another note, we taught Daleen last night, she is doing Great. It was the only time we were able to meet with her this week which was sad, but it's because she's been sick, but she's all good now. We read 2 nephi 31 with her and it was an awesome lesson. We pretty much laid everything out, what she's been doing what she's been taught, how she feels she's changed, and now what she needs to do to reach baptism and the things we still need to teach her. With the spirits help she we set a new baptismal date with her for the 1st of December. The spirit filled the room when she said that date. elder Prisbrey and I both believe as well as Daleen (which is most important) that she can make that date, and we helped her know that God knows she can make it to with his help. It's been a long journey for Daleen but she can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel. She texted us this morning and described an experience she had while re reading chapter 31. To put it simply she said she hadn't had a spiritual experience as powerful as the one she had today.
I know that Heavenly Father Knows us. He Knows Our VERY Situation and is always there to help us when we need it. The Holy Ghost as we live right, is our constant companion, someone to be there no matter what we may be going through or faced with, the enabling power of the atonement combined with the force of the spirit can and will get us through anything. God Cares about us, and the more I've served my brothers and sisters around me here, I've realized that we are all somewhere on the same path, and as we serve and help and show love and care for everyone, the happier they will be, the happier we will be, and most of all the happier Heavenly Father will be. That's what the gospel of Jesus Christ does, it bring people together. and it brings us closer to the Savior and our loving father in heaven. I know this is the truth! And I love this knowledge, and wouldn't trade it for a thing! The mission is teaching me things everyday, and sometimes it's hard to put down into words but I hope y'all can catch a glimpse of it. I can feel it everyday. Until Next week. Thanks for all the good news! I Love Yall! Be safe and trust in Good things to Come.
Sincerely, Elder Page
This emails gonna be short but I hope its good for those of you who still read my emails. It's been a long week, but very busy. A few day ago the whole zone helped out at a band competition at Long Beach city college. It was pretty fun and entertaining. Elder Prisbrey got burnt to a crisp though along with some others. I've learned from past mistakes and hid in any shade I could find for most of the service. It was cool to be there and be around other people who volunteered and were looking to help out.
Our mission has been focusing a lot lately on just serve projects, just getting us missionaries out amongst the people in the community, serving and setting good examples as members of the church. On another note, we taught Daleen last night, she is doing Great. It was the only time we were able to meet with her this week which was sad, but it's because she's been sick, but she's all good now. We read 2 nephi 31 with her and it was an awesome lesson. We pretty much laid everything out, what she's been doing what she's been taught, how she feels she's changed, and now what she needs to do to reach baptism and the things we still need to teach her. With the spirits help she we set a new baptismal date with her for the 1st of December. The spirit filled the room when she said that date. elder Prisbrey and I both believe as well as Daleen (which is most important) that she can make that date, and we helped her know that God knows she can make it to with his help. It's been a long journey for Daleen but she can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel. She texted us this morning and described an experience she had while re reading chapter 31. To put it simply she said she hadn't had a spiritual experience as powerful as the one she had today.
I know that Heavenly Father Knows us. He Knows Our VERY Situation and is always there to help us when we need it. The Holy Ghost as we live right, is our constant companion, someone to be there no matter what we may be going through or faced with, the enabling power of the atonement combined with the force of the spirit can and will get us through anything. God Cares about us, and the more I've served my brothers and sisters around me here, I've realized that we are all somewhere on the same path, and as we serve and help and show love and care for everyone, the happier they will be, the happier we will be, and most of all the happier Heavenly Father will be. That's what the gospel of Jesus Christ does, it bring people together. and it brings us closer to the Savior and our loving father in heaven. I know this is the truth! And I love this knowledge, and wouldn't trade it for a thing! The mission is teaching me things everyday, and sometimes it's hard to put down into words but I hope y'all can catch a glimpse of it. I can feel it everyday. Until Next week. Thanks for all the good news! I Love Yall! Be safe and trust in Good things to Come.
Sincerely, Elder Page
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Sister Kate Miller is home...
Sister Miller arrived home last night from her LDS Mission in Manchester, England. It was a bitter sweet reunion, so obviously missing was her sweet mother, Kelli.
Katie's mother passed away last week, so the reason for Katie coming home a bit earlier than planned, but she is where she needs to be and that is with her sisters and
Step father, Macon. She will be a great blessing and comfort to them in the coming days ahead.
She has a very British way about her :) which I think she loved hearing. The loved her mission so much. I look forward to hearing all about in the days and weeks ahead.
We love you Katie and are so proud of you and the good things you have done and will continue to do to serve the Lord and His children. I have to admit I will miss the
weekly emails of all of your experiences and witness your growth. Missionaries are a rare gem, and what they learn from their time of service will serve them for the rest
of their lives.
Keep the faith Katie. My mind goes to the wise words from Elder Jeffery Holland in his talk given in 2013 Lord I Believe
"When doubt or difficulty come, do not be afraid to ask for help. If we want it as humbly and honestly as this father did, we can get it. The scriptures phrase such earnest desire as being of “real intent,” pursued “with full purpose of heart, acting no hypocrisy and no deception before God.”11 I testify that in response to that kind of importuning, God will send help from both sides of the veil to strengthen our belief. I know that God is at all times and in all ways and in all circumstances our loving, forgiving Father in Heaven. I know Jesus was His only perfect child, whose life was given lovingly by the will of both the Father and the Son for the redemption of all the rest of us who are not perfect. I know He rose from that death to live again, and because He did, you and I will also. I know that Joseph Smith, who acknowledged that he wasn’t perfect,15 was nevertheless the chosen instrument in God’s hand to restore the everlasting gospel to the earth. I also know that in doing so—particularly through translating the Book of Mormon—he has taught me more of God’s love, of Christ’s divinity, and of priesthood power than any other prophet of whom I have ever read, known, or heard in a lifetime of seeking. I know that President Thomas S. Monson, who moves devotedly and buoyantly toward the 50th anniversary of his ordination as an Apostle, is the rightful successor to that prophetic mantle today. We have seen that mantle upon him again in this conference. I know that 14 other men whom you sustain as prophets, seers, and revelators sustain him with their hands, their hearts, and their own apostolic keys.
These things I declare to you with the conviction Peter called the “more sure word of prophecy.”16 What was once a tiny seed of belief for me has grown into the tree of life, so if your faith is a little tested in this or any season, I invite you to lean on mine. I know this work is God’s very truth, and I know that only at our peril would we allow doubt or devils to sway us from its path. Hope on. Journey on. Honestly acknowledge your questions and your concerns, but first and forever fan the flame of your faith, because all things are possible to them that believe."
We love you Katie and pray for you and your family.
Alma 34:31...
I've been sitting the last 10 minutes or so trying to figure out how I wanted to start this email, and I still don't know how but I guess just typing what comes to my mind isn't a bad way to go. It's been one of the longest and hardest weeks of my mission, and there has been a lot that's happened that I haven't been able to control. It's a hard feeling to have to cope with not being able to say what will happen next and just hoping and praying things will be alright. I know Trials and Affliction, and pain has to be apart of this life because without it, I know I wouldn't be the person I am right now, and I wouldn't have hope of becoming the person The Lord wants me to be. Amid all of the things that have happened I Know for a fact that the Lord has also blessed me with one of the sweetest, most memorable weeks of my mission. It's the weirdest thing I can't really describe feeling emotions from both ends of the spectrum. My thoughts are probably gonna get kinda jumbled, but like I said I'm gonna write what I'm thinking. Heavenly Father Knows Us, He Loves Us, and this week has helped me see that He really does have a plan, A plan of happiness, a plan of salvation, and a plan of mercy! Although we won't always understand that plan, the knowledge that there is one and that we can trust in it and have faith in it is the greatest feeling! It's Through The Saviors Atonement (triumph over not only spiritual death but also physical) that makes all that may seem unfair in this life right in the end. And it's not just a hope for peace in the end, But I know that we can have heavenly peace now, everyday of our lives if we turn to the Lord. Just like I bad cut being healed, the stinging pain of loss, or sin, or regret, or disappointment has to be felt in order for the wound to truly be cleansed and healed, just as medicine might hurt with initial contact and application. The pain will always be necessary, but its the Healing of our souls that is the Miracle of it all. I know that what I've said is true. I know that Jesus Christ Lives and He Loves us and will always be there for us when we need him. For You that's Reading this, remember that I am Praying, Still. I Love You. And I Know Everything Will be alright in the Lords Time. Keep exercising the Faith I already know you have! Keep being an example to the people close to you, especially me. And Don't forget to Smile. I really am grateful for my mission. The word Grateful doesn't come close to what I want to say, but it'll do for now. I Love serving the Lord, and I hope I can always have this Love of missionary work. I am getting to know my Heavenly father better and better everyday.
Until Next Week, Godspeed!
Love, Elder Page
P.S. We did quite a bit of teaching and definitely finding this week, which was Great! Just to update yall on Daleen, she is doing Awesome! She's reading, praying, having spiritual experiences right and left. She's still attending ARP weekly, her testimony of the Gospel is growing So rapidly! She even came out teaching with us this week. She helped us teach another investigator we're working with, we stopped by a couple of members, and we did a lot of contacting, and even some door knocking, it was So Fun! And she wants to do it again this week :) Thanks for all the prayers! Miracles are happening. Can't wait to give you the rundown for this week next Monday!
Monday, October 12, 2015
Right place @ Right time...
So this week was full of Awesome missionary moments. I'll go ahead and give y'all an update on Daleen because she is just too good for her own good! This week we met with her 3 times! And addition to our regular meetings she's been reading consistently out of the Book of Mormon, and she even drove herself to an ARP meeting at the Stake Center! We have just been so happy and proud of her this week. She doesn't always give herself enough credit or realize the progress she's making, but we do. And the change she has made over the past few months has been unbelievable. It has single-handedly strengthened my testimony of the Saviors Atonement and the Enabling power that it brings as we do all we can to be close to Christ and his Gospel. Daleen really has helped me fulfill my Purpose as A missionary. It hasn't always been easy with her, Lessons haven't always gone to plan, she has had times where she doesn't keep commitments, BUT, as we haven't given up on her, and helped her realize the Lord hasn't either, she has had more Faith in Herself, which has really been the difference maker. She wants to be a member of the Church more than anything right now, so prayer and continual progression day by day is what will get her there. We know she's gonna make it, and its gonna be the Sweetest thing to See!

As far as other experiences go, About 15 months ago, Sister Sabin gave me a couple of names of friends that lived here in the Long Beach area that she wanted missionaries from the Mission to go by. Its sad to admit, but until about 3-4 weeks ago I put those hand-written referrals into a box never to be seen. Along with my own forgetfulness, I believe the spirit restrained my memory of these names until now, because as I found them just the other week, I realized Crazy enough Bill & Christa Guntner lived In my area, and not only in my area, but about a 5 minute bike ride away! I couldn't believe it, so As soon as I made the connection we were over to their home! The first visit was super cool because they welcomed us right on in and we got to know each other making the connection between myself and Sister Sabin's family. They are some of the nicest people I've met on my mission. We were able to leave them with a scripture and they wanted us to come back, so we were more than happy to. This past week, they had us over for Dinner. We had a great time getting to know each other better. We had a really spiritual lesson prepared for them. we read out of 3 nephi where Christ appears to the people and they feel the prints of the nails in his hands and in his feet. The spirit was very Strong. We then watched a video I remember watching as a family a few years back called 'Another Testament'. Its a slideshow of pictures depicting Christ's visitation to the Americas and its probably the most Spirit-filled video I've ever watched. We watched it with them and the room was thick with the spirit, I knew they felt it because I felt it, and at that moment my own testimony of the Book of Mormon and the Savior was confirmed. After the video we asked them how they felt and they both described feelings of the spirit. We had a member bear her testimony, and it was awesome, but unfortunately at the end of our visit Both Bill and Christa expressed that they were comfortable where they are at right now. It was honestly a little disappointing, because we knew that they had felt something, but either way it felt great to be able to give them that experience, and to know that the Lord worked through us to bring Bill and Christa closer to the truth and to their Savior. Sometimes we may question where we are and the things that we are doing are exactly what god wants for us, and if there's one thing I've learned so far on my mission is that the only way to know if where we are and what we're doing is right is to simply pray and begin taking steps forward. we'll never know if we stay stagnant, but I've realized more and more that 'Faith' truly is an action word. And I've had a lot of peace over these last 15 months knowing that I've been put in the right places at the right time.
I Love The Lord and the work he has for me to do. I Love all of Y'all more than I can describe. I really do. I'm pretty dang blessed to have the life, the family and friends that I do. Heavenly Father Always provides for us, because he is Our Loving Father!
Until Next week. Godspeed!
Love, Elder Page
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