13 PaGeS LoNg

WhErE tHe PaGeS oF tHiS bOoK nEvEr EnD

Monday, October 12, 2015

Right place @ Right time...

So this week was full of Awesome missionary moments. I'll go ahead and give y'all an update on Daleen because she is just too good for her own good! This week we met with her 3 times! And addition to our regular meetings she's been reading consistently out of the Book of Mormon, and she even drove herself to an ARP meeting at the Stake Center! We have just been so happy and proud of her this week. She doesn't always give herself enough credit or realize the progress she's making, but we do. And the change she has made over the past few months has been unbelievable. It has single-handedly strengthened my testimony of the Saviors Atonement and the Enabling power that it brings as we do all we can to be close to Christ and his Gospel. Daleen really has helped me fulfill my Purpose as A missionary. It hasn't always been easy with her, Lessons haven't always gone to plan, she has had times where she doesn't keep commitments, BUT, as we haven't given up on her, and helped her realize the Lord hasn't either, she has had more Faith in Herself, which has really been the difference maker. She wants to be a member of the Church more than anything right now, so prayer and continual progression day by day is what will get her there. We know she's gonna make it, and its gonna be the Sweetest thing to See!

As far as other experiences go, About 15 months ago, Sister Sabin gave me a couple of names of friends that lived here in the Long Beach area that she wanted missionaries from the Mission to go by. Its sad to admit, but until about 3-4 weeks ago I put those hand-written referrals into a box never to be seen. Along with my own forgetfulness, I believe the spirit restrained my memory of these names until now, because as I found them just the other week, I realized Crazy enough Bill & Christa Guntner lived In my area, and not only in my area, but about a 5 minute bike ride away! I couldn't believe it, so As soon as I made the connection we were over to their home! The first visit was super cool because they welcomed us right on in and we got to know each other making the connection between myself and Sister Sabin's family. They are some of the nicest people I've met on my mission. We were able to leave them with a scripture and they wanted us to come back, so we were more than happy to. This past week, they had us over for Dinner. We had a great time getting to know each other better. We had a really spiritual lesson prepared for them. we read out of 3 nephi where Christ appears to the people and they feel the prints of the nails in his hands and in his feet. The spirit was very Strong. We then watched a video I remember watching as a family a few years back called 'Another Testament'. Its a slideshow of pictures depicting Christ's visitation to the Americas and its probably the most Spirit-filled video I've ever watched. We watched it with them and the room was thick with the spirit, I knew they felt it because I felt it, and at that moment my own testimony of the Book of Mormon and the Savior was confirmed. After the video we asked them how they felt and they both described feelings of the spirit. We had a member bear her testimony, and it was awesome, but unfortunately at the end of our visit Both Bill and Christa expressed that they were comfortable where they are at right now. It was honestly a little disappointing, because we knew that they had felt something, but either way it felt great to be able to give them that experience, and to know that the Lord worked through us to bring Bill and Christa closer to the truth and to their Savior. Sometimes we may question where we are and the things that we are doing are exactly what god wants for us, and if there's one thing I've learned so far on my mission is that the only way to know if where we are and what we're doing is right is to simply pray and begin taking steps forward. we'll never know if we stay stagnant, but I've realized more and more that 'Faith' truly is an action word. And I've had a lot of peace over these last 15 months knowing that I've been put in the right places at the right time.

I Love The Lord and the work he has for me to do. I Love all of Y'all more than I can describe. I really do. I'm pretty dang blessed to have the life, the family and friends that I do. Heavenly Father Always provides for us, because he is Our Loving Father!

Until Next week. Godspeed!

Love, Elder Page

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