13 PaGeS LoNg

WhErE tHe PaGeS oF tHiS bOoK nEvEr EnD

Monday, September 21, 2015

Having a Wale of a time...

It's been a crazy crazy week. I absolutely love Wrexham and I love sister Barlow! She has so many great things about her. She's bubbly, full of joy, sincere, can easily discern the spirit, and is such a caring companion! I also love how much she loves this area, and everyone she meets. I am so greatful to be serving with her and cannot wait to see what is to come these next few weeks.

The ward here is great, I jut love them already. I also love how open and green it is here. There are sheep as well! And the people are very kind here as well. This area has had some powerful missionaries here before me, so I'm excited and greatful to follow in their foot steps. I think it's great serving in Wales, no one really speaks Welsh in North Wales, but they all kind of sound like they're from Liverpool, which is really nice! Also in our area we have the highest elevate village in all of Wales! It's so different walking up hills and things, and just being in the country. But thankfully there are loads of people to talk to and most are very nice. We do a lot of street displays and street contacting, so I love that!

We've also found some really nice friend to teach as well! My first night here sister Barlow took me around to meet the bishop and the relief society president. On our way back we were just talking to everyone like you do. We were about to walk past this one person on the phone, but I just went for it and his name is Shaun. He is wonderful! He said that he didn't have a belief in God because he just doesn't understand it. Well he agreed to meet with us in the library the next day. It was such a powerful and spirit lead lesson because he has some learning difficulties, so it really forced us to teach simply and clearly, which we loved! It was a joy to teach with sister Barlow as well because she is just so excited! And something else is she definitely has a love for the welsh people. But also with Shaun, he was just so sincere and interested, and we should be meeting with him this coming week!

I'm so happy and grateful to be here, I love it here. I love you all and please stay safe!

Sister Miller

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