13 PaGeS LoNg
WhErE tHe PaGeS oF tHiS bOoK nEvEr EnD
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Merry Christmas from Elder Page & Happy Birthday Zachary!!
I can't believe that my baby is 20 years old! I am running out of teenagers :) Zachary we hope that you are having a wonderful birthday this year! Make sure you use all the fun things in your package to celebrate your big day. We love you soooo much, just one more to celebrate so far away!!!! HaPpY BiRtHdAy SwEeT bOy!!!
Dear Family,
Merry Christmas Everybody! From over here on the opposite side of the world, I couldn't be more grateful for the wonderful family that I have been blessed with. I love you all so very much. I miss you more than you know. Not only am I away from family in large part I am away from Christmas. If you walked around here you would 100% not be able to tell it is Christmas. I hope this package will bring a little spark of Christmas to you all. I guess I need to explain everyone's presents. I guess I will start with Matt's present. SO first I got you what is called a (sorry I can't type the symbols that he wrote) It is pronounced D0akaten...have you figured it out yet? It is a door curtain. :) Japanese is a pretty funny language. They have them all over the place in Japan so I figured I would give a little bit of Japan to you. I also got you sli;;ers. Those are the pretty typical slippers that you put on when you take off your shoes and come into the house. Enjoy, they are way comfy. Then I got you a cool pair of socks! I love you Matt! Have a very Merry Christmas. Next, I got Abby a pair of socks too. Because I know she loves them. THen I got her and Tory Japanese door curtains too. I hope you like them! :) Lets see, Dallin and Jaclyn's the worst ever. I struggled to find something so all there is is a hand towel. I was told that it is like a famous hand towel...I would feel bad except that President Uchtdorf said "we cannot bring the gift of perfection" in his Christmas talk so it swept away my guilt. ;) I love you two!!! Dad, I got you a very Japanese tie. They are all thin like this and the purple is totally you. You better wear it to church is all I am saying. Remember, you are a bishop, you're not the pope ;) I love you Dad. Mom, I could not find you a nativity, but I have this wreath thing I will tell you the behind it. So last week we had a Christmas Music Fireside. I was calling around and inviting members and making sure they remembered. As I was flipping through the members record, I came across a really old, tiny lady that lives all alone named Sister Ishida. Knowing that she was so old and fragile, I almost skipped her and moved on, but I remembered that NOBODY should be alone on Christmas. I called her and asked her if she was coming. She went on to explain to me that she would love to go but that the walk to the church would be just too much on her old body. Feeling her desire to not be alone during this christmas time, I hung up the phone and immediately called other members to work out someone to go to her house and pick her up by car. We worked it all out and nobody was left out. The next sunday, as people crowded into the hall before church, I heard a lettle old ravaged voice calling out, "Page Choro! Page Choro! Where is Page Choro?!" Then, came little old sister Ishida carrying a box in her left hand and her cane in her right. She called me over to her side and quickly opened up the box. Inside the box was this wreath. She said to me, "it isn't much and you probably don't need it, but this is the only thing I have to me that means christmas. Thank you so much for calling me the other day. Thank you so much. I want you to have this." She rewrapped the box and put it in my hands as I stood there stunned. She walked away before I could get out a word of gratitude. One of the most special Christmas moments I have ever had. As I thought about what happened between me, a 19 year old American boy from NC and an 87 year old single woman from Niigata Japan, of course there was only one thing that came to mind. What brought us together? Two totally otherwise unrelated existences turned christmas upside down for me. It is Jesus Christ. It is the love that he showed. It is the peace that He offers our Savior Jesus Christ brings different worlds together in a spirit of love and hope. When the Angel appeared to the Shepherds in Luke 2, verse 10 reads, "I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to ALL people." If there is one thing I have learned this Christmas, it is that this great joy is to ALL people. Even worlds apart, when time and distance separates us, Jesus Christ unites us. His love brings us together. His hope gives us a smile on our face and a bright, beautiful sunrise on the morrow. I know that my Savior Jesus Christ was born, lived and died, and lives again for us. I know that through him ALL people can rejoice. Christ is our Lord. Praise his name forever. I love you all so much. I love you from head to toe, from good ole Steve, to Mamma Page, to Dallin (in Tory's Dallliin! Voice) to Jaclyn (in Tory's Jaccclllyn voice!) to Matty Patty, to Abby Bell, and even down to Tor, my forever buddy. I love you and miss you this Christmas. Even though I will miss the gingerbread houses, and presents and the Polar Express, I am with you this Christmas, I love you all, I love my forever family!!! Merry Christmas!
Love you son and brother
Elder Zachary Taylor Page
Monday, December 19, 2011
Having a COLD winter in Nigata Japan
Hello Mom,
I had a good week last week. We saw a lot of miracles and we were able to find 3 new investigators. It is really nice to see the work pick up after about a month of slow success. The weather is really really bad here. I found out this week that the worst winter in Japan is actually found in Niigata prefecture where I am!! Yay! It has been snowing for about 4 days straight off and on. It makes riding a bike pretty rough. I am soaking wet all the time to the point that we dont even try to keep ourselves too dry anymore. hahaha :o) I got my birthday card from the ward this week which put a big ole smile on my face. I also got a letter from about 3 months ago from Carlos and Landon. It came all beat up and it had paper taped to it that said it was shipped to Jamaica instead...yeah. I wanted to thank Dad so much for all of the Packer updates he gives me every week. I really do love reading them, especially when they are going to win another superbowl!!! They better not just be good while I am gone and then be done when I get back!!! ;o)
Another thing that I mentioned before Mom is that I do want to vote and I know all of that stuff is coming up. Can you please look into that for me a little bit. I am sorry you are way busy and I dont want to disrupt the Christmas time, but if you could do that it would be great!
Thanks! Lets see, I have all of the stuff as far as calling goes next week. So you guys will call my phone directly at 10 pm your time on Christmas Eve. I am sorry for the late hour but that is the way we have been told to do it. So call me 10 pm NC time. That should bring you right through to my cell phone. In this bad weather I had two whipouts this week. One on foot where I slipped going down the steps and 100% landed on my back, and another about 10 minutes ago where I slipped on the snow on my bike and ate it. I love it. Hopefully you guys get all of your Christmas stuff this coming week. I have learned something interesting this week. A lot of times missionaries on the mission say that the Mission Christmas is the best ever. Although it is really wonderful and I have truly had a lot of wonderful experiences, it isnt true. I miss my family. Christmas just isnt the same without family. I miss you guys. I love you all so much, I hope everything is ok and you are just super busy. I will talk to you guys on Sunday(your saturday!). I love you guys! Now I am going to go build a snowman. :oD
Have a great week and a wonderful Christmas!
Love always,
Elder Zachary Taylor Page
Monday, December 12, 2011
I've never felt this cold before...
Hello Everyone!!
So just to go ahead and put this out there first, calling will happen on my Christmas Day, which will mean your Christmas Eve. President has laid it out there cut and dry for us so we dont have a ton of manuvering room. We will have around 40 minutes only to talk and I will tell you the exact stuff next week, but you will have to call me just like last time, and it will probably be late over there because we have church over here. I will let you know how to call and all of those specifics next week.
Alrighty then, Sounds great that you guys had the Whites over for dinner with you all. Sounds like quite the gathering! Haven't gotten your package yet but I have gotten four others! I got two from MJ, one from Papa Lindsey and Grandma Myra, and one from a family in my old area. I have been so spoiled. Also, at our Zone Conference last week I received my letter with letters from all of you and Mckenna and Mj in it. It just warmed my heart up so much. Thank you so much for that Christmas gift.
I wish I had more interesting stuff to tell you than I think I have! haha We had a really good week. We visited a lot of members and did our best to bring some sort of Christmas spirit to this country! We sang and bore testimony of Jesus Christ to members and so many members were so happy to have us come over.
The weather last week was rediculous. I tell you, I have never been so wanting a car in my entire life. The wind was blowing at like 40 mph, it was about 0 degrees celcius, and there was hail coming down for like 3 straight days. Lets just say that I never want to ride a bike again. ;oD It was fun though because as we trucked through the Abyss, Elder Sanders and I sang "I had the time of my life, and I've never felt this cold before..." Elder Sanders just helped me remember another story. We were housing and he just asked this woman through the door if we could sing for her. There was a 5 second pause and then she said, go ahead. We sang Angels We have Heard on High. When we finished there was another 10 second awkward pause and then he asked her if she heard. Another awkward 5 seconds later she just says through the door, Go home. It was pretty funny.
Just remembered another story. Elder Sanders and I roasted Marshmellows with Chopsticks over our heater in our room. That was pretty ghetto. :oD
I am sending off your guys christmas package today so I hope that you get it and like what you get. I tried really hard!
We had a Christmas activity on Saturday. Elder Sanders and I sang Walking in a Winter Wonderland and then I dressed up for the Branch Santa Claus. Elder Sanders was my reindeer. :o) It was really fun and you will get pictures of that at some point.
Service is all done until the spring. It is just too cold to keep going so we won't be traveling very much anymore.
We found an investigator this week, but we aren't sure if he is quite ok yet. He called himself a Samurai and whipped two knives out of his bag. :oD Lets just say we still have faith and are going to keep searching hard.
Well, This email was all over the place and I am sorry but I got to go. Mom, I still want to read Jordans emails every week so please make sure you forward those to me please. :oD
The church is true. I know it even more as this christmas time roles around and we feel the love of our Savior Jesus Christ even stronger. Everybody enjoy the holidays and if there is one thing I would have you remember, it is the words of President Monson, "We are illuminated by Christmas when we start thinking about people instead of things." I know this to be true. The people around us are the most important. I may get all the things in a package, but it just isn't illuminating when you dont have the people on the other end. Remember how very blessed we are. I love you all so much. Have a great week!!!
Love always,
Elder Zachary Taylor Page
Monday, December 5, 2011
Christmas in Japan :/ ?
Hello Mom, and Everybody!
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like I can say it now because it is December, my favorite month of the year!!! I cant wait to watch the Christmas Devotional, we get to see it next week because I am living in the land where to sun starts shining when yours hasn't gone down yet!
Feels weird that it is my birthday again. I still remember when you surprised me with Jordan and Kirby and them last year. That was just the greatest ever! Now I am just getting old...I never thought about not being a teenager anymore!!
I dont care if I dont get much Mom, when have I ever cared! I am just glad to be able to have Christmas with my...oh wait, I wont be with my family!!! ;o) I am just kidding, it will be a great Christmas.
That is crazy about the tree falling!! I dont even want to know which ornaments broke, that is just too crazy!
I have never heard about an oragami nativity scenes, but I am going to one last place today to finish the Christmas shopping so I will give it one last search!
Stinks that you havent talked to Marissa in so long...I bet I havent in longer!! haha :o) I have no idea for a present, I dont know what she needs because I havent heard from her in so long. I am still trying to work my brain enough to get her something good. Maybe you could make her something mom, like an apron or something. She might need something like that in Ecuador babysitting all those kids for 3 months. You are the most creative person I know Mom!! You will figure something out.
Heard about Christopher and that was great to hear. I will remember Matt in my prayers.
I will get pictures back out there for Christmas because I just finished up another Memory card. 400 pictures/videos coming your way! Service is going good. Yeah there has been a lot of progress in the past 8 months. I can hardly imagine it could ever all get cleaned up but its going along. I dont know how sweet my face is anymore coming to the rice capital of the world over hear but you will get some pictures. :) Did I tell you that Niigata Rice is actually the best rice in the world? Well...it is. :)
Glad to hear things are going good. Dad keeps giving me the BYU and Packers updates which I love to death, thanks Dad!! The Packers are doing so good!
Things here are going alright. Things arent really picking up, but we are still working hard. We are hitting really hard on Christmas Missionary Work. Elder Sanders plays the guitar super super well so we are going to sing for a lot of people this week. People just havent been listening very well in this city. :) No worries though because the Lord will keep providing us with little miracles to keep our chins up. So it is weird to not really have a Christmas season. Nobody really does much at all here. Some stores put up a tree but that is about it. Kind of sad and lonely because you know how much I love Christmas!
We had a specialized training last week about Budgeting from President. A lot of missionaries have no idea how to handle there money and run out all the time. It just made me really grateful for Dad teaching us so well how to weight our pockets. I have about 3 months supply of money in my account so Dad did really well. :o) Also on that day I got to have an interview with President that went really well. We talked for about 45 minutes about a bunch of different stuff. I talked to him a little about when to go home, it pretty much comes down to Jan 3 or Feb 14. We talked about school and needing something to do but also needing to see family and stuff. He gave me his opinion, but what do you and Dad think? President is an amazing guy that I love very much.
Well, I am running low on time. I have to go finish shopping for Matt and Marissa. :oD Something interesting I learned this week was about the principle of prayer and faith. In the New Testiment, Christ taught that if we have faith, nothing doubting, and we can command a mountain into the sea. I thought about that principle a lot and applied it to my prayers. I recieved answers that I had been searching for for weeks. I know that God answers prayers. Sometimes we have to be patient, but they will come. Sometimes I wish that they came with better timing because if they did I wouldnt have messed up as much, but we learn from our mistakes. God Lives, Jesus is the Christ.
I love you Mom. I love our family, I love Marissa. :oD Have a great week!!!
Love always,
Elder Zachary Taylor Page
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Happy First Anniversary!
I can't believe it!!!! Dallin & Jaclyn celebrated their first anniversary on the 26th! It has been the fastest year ever! I pray that the years are kind to them and that every year is the best year yet! We love you both so much! Happy Anniversary!
Happy Thanksgiving
This Thanksgiving we went to the Jenkins/Monroe side to celebrate. It was so great seeing cousins, Aunts and Uncles that I have not seen in a while. It was so wonderful having so many there. All of moms sisters and her brother were there, which is a blessing considering many have been sick recently. What a great family to come from. I am sure that Grandpa and Grandma, Uncles Norman and Gilbert, other aunts, uncles and cousins were all smiling down on us as we all laughed and caught up on our lives with eachother. What a truly blessed Thanksgiving it was.
Another day of service
Hello everyone!
As usual it sounds like things are just a going along back home. I will just go ahead and throw this out there at the beginning, the idea of Abby dating an RM is just what you would say in Japanese as "kimochi warui." I can't even believe my little sister is so grown up!! Thanksgiving sounds like it was great. We didn't do anything for Thanksgiving, we just worked through the day and I only remembered it because of this email!! Dallin and Jaclyn hit a one year mark, that is just crazy fast. Christmas tree...that one might be hard Mom, I don't know where I could find one! I looked for your Nativity scene and asked tons of people but I don't think they even have a normal Nativity scene in this country. I am trying to get stuff for christmas but there is just no time!
We have to go up to Sendai again this week so my email will be short because we have to catch a 5 hour bus! Way funny story about the runway at Carolina Mall. You and Zach are right, I am pretty sure that I would have walked down it. ;)
Things here are going pretty good. The work picked up just a tiny tiny bit this week. We didn't really, well, we are still just rocking the pavement searching all the time and it is pretty tiring, but we saw a lot of small miracles that just keep us knowing that something will happen. I am sitting here right now and just trying to think of something interesting to write. We worked really hard this week but it was all just pretty much the same old, well, you know, just doing the work. It hailed this week. I will tell you what, riding a bike in the freezing cold with hail falling is not safe or fun.
I am way way excited to see a picture of Marissa's hair! I always always told her that she looked so beautiful in her senior photo where her hair was shorter! I can 110% guraentee that she just looks phenominal!!! whew, it has been a really fast 2 months, but it has felt like forever since I have gotten a letter from her!
Well, this email might be my shortest one yet and I am so sorry, but I have to go! I will give you guys a good one next week! I love you all.
This gospel is true. I can promise that. I love you Mama, this past week in Sunday school I was asked what is the greatest comfort in the world to me and I said my Mama's hugs. :o)
I love you!! Talk to you next week!
Love always,
Elder Page
Monday, November 21, 2011
It's getting cold in Nigata
Hello Mama,
I am not sure what it was but I really enjoyed todays email. There is just so much going on back home that is exciting!! Thanks for letting me know about my name being Matt. Just so you and Dad know, I took out probably about $150 for now to do some Christmas shopping from my personal funds. Just a heads up on the bank account!! :) I will look for a navity for you Mom. I dont know if I can promise one but I will do my best. I know Abby is stressing but she is just the greatest Mom, is there really a chance that she wont get in? Just have her send a picture with the application and if the guy that reads her application is a guy she will get in for sure. Gosh my little sister is too pretty for her own good. Great to hear about Grandma doing better. I am glad to hear what you had to say about dating when I get home. It is reassuring to have your Mothers support. It just feels right if Mom says its right. :)
Wow, the Guffys. It has been a long time. I had to think a little bit the remember who they were. But, dont worry, I remembered. Luke is headed to Utah, sweet. I thought he would have gone already. I heard about Katie Nanto, that is sweet, heading to Washington.
Just a couple of things. I know you are almost done with my package, but if you had some more room in there, I thought today that Some nice maple brown sugar oatmeal would be nice. Dont really have that here. Also, some Christmas music like Josh Groban Christmas or Motab is alright to listen to. Also Mom, if you can email me how you make your homemade pizza. Everybody wants me to make American pizza but you know me, I don:t know how!!! ;)
Something cool that happend this week was that I got a letter from Sapporo. A woman named Yuzuka, I am sure I mentioned her in one of my first emails back in May or April, I taught her a lot in Sapporo. Well, I got a letter this week telling me that she had FINALLY gotten baptised!! I was so shocked but so excited because we had worked so hard with her! So that was a great experience.
My son is great! He is just growing up so fast! hahaha Elder Sanders really is the greatest. He makes me laugh all the time and just works really hard. The work still really hasnt taken off yet, still kind of hitting nothing but the pavement everyday, but it will get better. I like life as a trainer way better than Zone Leader! I am not nearly as busy! All I have to worry about is my son and my area! I love it!! Also, Elder Sanders cut my hair for me today and it looks pretty good! The weather here is way terrible. It rains almost every day and it is so so so cold. Niigata is know for its winters, the worst winters in Japan. Awesome huh. Everyday rain and sleet and just pure joy!! It will make for a fun winter. Well, I dont have a lot of time left, but I want to end with my testimony. I had an experience this week with Elder Sanders that made me think. Several years ago Elder Anderson gave a talk called "You Know Enough" or something like that. I dont even remember it that well, but this week Elder Sanders said something that made me think about the title. He was having a hard day and he said that he didnt really know a lot about the Gospel because he is a convert. All I said to him was "Dont worry, you know enough. I promise you know enough." Sometimes we may not know all the answers in life. Sometimes things will happen that make you unsure if you can. But what I have learned is that if you have a testimony in your heart of the Savior Jesus Christs Atonement, you know enough. Our faith in Christ is enough for us to do anything. Having crazy Dad like scripture knowledge is important and to learn is vital, but If you feel the truth in your heart, it is enough. Hold to that truth in your heart when the winds blow and it will be enough.
I love you Mom, and I love you all. Have a wonderful week!!! From your Son who is gradually becoming odd because of Japanese culture,
much love,
Elder Zachary Taylor Page :o)
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Things are going well with Elder Page
Hello Everybody!!!
So today I dont have a lot of time to email. We have service up in Sendai tomorrow and so we have to hope on a 5 hour bus in the next little bit here. I will try to get in all that I can though. Things are going really really great!!! I love being a trainer! His name is Elder Sanders and he is from Spokane Washington. He is really tall and 22 years old and just a way studly looking guy. He has a pretty long story but he is a convert to the church of about two years ago! He has a strong testimony and a great desire to serve the Lord. He is still learning a lot but is making way fast progress. It is kind of funny to think that that was me just 8 months ago! It always brings me a smile to think about how terrible I must have been at Japanese. :o) The language is hard for him but I make sure that it doesnt get him down too much. He really is a great guy and I am so happy to be companions with someone so willing to work. The work is hard right now because we just white-washed in with nothing really to work with. But, there is a good feel about it and things will pick up pretty quick I think. The branch here is about 50 people so it is pretty big comparitively. I was asked to bless the sacrament yesterday which was, surprisingly enough, the first time I have blessed the Sacrament in Japanese. It was a pretty cool experience as I felt the power of that Sacrament prayer in another language. It just brought chills to my spine. :o) Something else interesting that happend this week was that I ripped my pants a little bit!! Mama, you would have been so proud of me because I whipped out the sewing kit for the first time on my mission!! I am pretty sure I messed up somewhere but the whole is fixed and my pants are holding together!!! :o) Speaking of pants, that is something I wouldnt mind for christmas. another pair of black slacks would be nice. Just like the calvin cline ones you got me before. They are just more fitting and less bagy and I have definitely come to like that way more. I have lost some weight recently so hopefully as it gets colder, and therefore the covers get harder to throw off, I can keep up the excersize. Oh Marissa...its a little tough not getting anything from her Mom. I just have no idea what is going on in her life and stuff so it just makes me sigh sometimes. Mom, make sure she is making time to have fun and date people please. I just dont want her to regret anything. Congrats to Tory on the Eagle; of course Abigal looks beautiful, its abby; great to hear grandma is out of the hospital and I am glad my letter made her laugh. Things are going good Mom. I am good. I am a little scared at how fast this is all going. I am going to hit a year in 2 seconds. I have fallen in love with this county and this work and the members. Leaving my last area a couple members came to see me off at the bus stop and they all started crying. Whew, tough sometimes. Well, thats all the time I have for today. I love you to death Mama. I have a dream about just cuddling up by the fire talking to you last night. We were laughing about Dad. haha Tell everybody i said hey and that I love them and that I think of them often. I really am starting to believe I will be home before I know it. Its way fast. I love you Mom, talk to you next week!!
Love your Son,
Elder Zachary Taylor Page
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Happy 85th Birthday Mom!
Mom, I can not believe that you are 85, I am so happy that I got your genes...hopefully I will look younger than I am for the rest of my life ;) You are the best Mom, just want you to know that I love you soooo much and I wish you the best birthday ever. I know it is not how you wanted to spend your birthday, but you just work on getting better and we will celebrate at a later date....PROMISE!
Thanks for being the best mom ever! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I LOVE YOU!
Thanks for being the best mom ever! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I LOVE YOU!

Monday, November 7, 2011
Elder Page is getting transfered to Niigata...
Hello Mom and Everyone!!!
Well it is that time again! Another transfer gone and this time I am not making it through untouched. I am getting transfered. I will get to that after I reply a little to your email. I have been thinking about Grandma. I had a wonderful experience this week, a tender mercey from the Lord. I was thinking about Grandma when I felt prompted very quietly to ask one of the Sister missionaries about how her family was. I followed and asked. She then went on to tell me that in that very moment that I asked her she was worrying about her own grandma because she was in the hospital. We were able to talk and pray together for our grandmothers and it was a blessing to me. Another strength to my testimony of following the guidance of the Spirit, even when the promptings are small and simple.
I love hearing about Tommy and how much he is growing. I feel the spirit swell up in my chest every time I hear about his zeal for the gospel and his desire to serve. I know he can provide service in this work somehow. I hope Dad and President Baker can figure it out.
They have a holiday here called Gratitude Day and it is the day before Thanksgiving. I don't know what they do, but I doubt we will be getting a big ole' Mashed potatoes and Turkey dinner! :o)
I have lost about 10 pounds in the past couple weeks! I have been working out a lot better and I am getting back to the old me. I actually have been thinking a lot about how much I miss soccer and how I want it to be a part of my life while I can. I am pretty sure that I am going to do all I can to give BYU soccer a run when I get home. I will have to work hard to stay in shape and I don't know how I would do it, but for now I am going to do it.
Anyways, so, The news from my end of the tunnel. I am transfering!! Pretty crazy. I have been here in Kamisugi since June, about five or six months! I will be going to a city called Niigata. It is in the southwest part of the mission, and the 2nd biggest city in the mission. I have been relieved of my Zone Leader responsibilities! President called me this morning and asked me to become a Trainer. So, on Wednesday I will be going with my new missionary down to Niigata(5hours bus ride) and whitewashing the area!! :o) I am pretty excited about it all, but it just feels weird. I have just been here for so long and gotten to know everyone so well. On Sunday everybody at church was telling me how much they didn't want me to go. From the oldest grandpa to the little primary kids, everybody was praying that I wouldn't get transfered. It is so sad when you do your best in an area and just fall in love with it and then have to leave. Mom, the longer I am here, the more my desire to come back grows. I just can't imagine not being with these people again. haha One really funny story. Takeshi, my very first investigator who accepted the gospel and was baptized, he told me on Sunday something really funny. The translation is funny but this is what he said, "In order for the members of the Kamisugi Ward to recieve salvation, you have to stay here." hahaha He loves me a little to much. ;o) It is really sad, but I have already started packing my bags and am getting ready to go. It will be way different. No splits every week, no trainings, so meetings to travel to, just me and my "bean chan." That is what the new missionaries are called. It has been a transfer of learning for me. I have spent a lot of time studying and even more time on my knees, but all things have come together for my good. I know, even more than I did six weeks ago, that this church, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is real. It is true. It is something that can be carved into your heart through the trail of faith. The Lord will always be by our side. I know it. It will be a busy week getting settled in with my new missionary, but from here on out, I should be a little less busy. :o) Do you hear that Marissa?!?! I think I can do a little better with making you smile for a little while here. :o) I miss you all. I love you all. I pray for and think of you often. Lets just be honest to Mom, I want a letter from Matt!!! I want to here from him about everything! I love you Mama, have a great week.
Love always,
Elder Zachary Taylor Page
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Our Abigail
I thought I would do a little spot light on Abby today. I have watched her over the last few weeks, do nothing but homework, and realized that she has missed out on some really great family time because of it. Abby is a great student of learning. She really does enjoy school, but some days I am very tempted to tell her to put down the books andgo have some fun. I have to admit I will be very happy when this semester of school is over for her, having two englishes classes is about to do her in. She will be graduating this year, another senior. We are going to miss having her around next summer, but I know, if she gets into BYU she will be living her dream,and that makes me very happy. I am going to miss my girl. I really don't think that I can prepare myself for that day, just saying! I may just have to make a few trips to Utah next year to see her and Matt. I am so glad that her big brother will be out there with her to show her the ropes. I love you Abigail and I am so proud of the young woman that you are becoming.









Elder Zachary Page just trucking along...
Hello Everybody!
Once again it sounds like you guys had a pretty busy week! People giving talks, Dad doing his thing and punching everybody with the spirit, Missionaries doing good, engagements ending and more missionaries going, Halloween, Portugese, and openhouses!!! Geez I feel bad when I write because I feel like I have nothing interesting to say!!
Typical Marissa to just be dang amazing and do something like send you cookies right? :oD
By the way, I got your package!! Thank you so much!! I have been giving a lot of the Warheads away for three reasons, one is because I am trying to get back into pre-mission shape, two I am trying to be more charitable in all that I do, and three, Japanese people have no idea what hits them when they pop a Warhead in their mouth!!! It is pretty funny...probably a thing you have to see to think is funny I guess. :)
But yes, Yesterday I decided that I am pathetically out of shape. So a lady in my Ward, her name is Sister Yoshida. She is a about a 38 year old single woman that loves to try and flirt with the American missionaries. Yesterday at church she taught me a knew word she learned in English..."six-pack." Then she asked me if I had one...I was so ashamed at my former abs, now mission-baby, that I decided right then that I am getting back into shape.
That was super cool to hear about Dad teaching in Portugese. I hope that I can do that when I get back. I have been falling in love with this language. It is kind of a cool feeling to be pretty much fluent in another language. :o) I am definitely think I want to use Japanese in my Job one day.
I am thinking and praying for Grandma. Tell her I love her for me mom and that I am thinking of her.
So other than a firm conviction about excersize, I am just trucking along. Had another busy week last week I travelded out of my area three times this week so it was more than enough to keep me busy. Something kind of interesting is this Japanese band called Bless4 came and did a fireside here yesterday. They are 4 siblings and they sing in English and Japanese. I actually way like them. You should look them up on Itunes and see if you can find any of there stuff. We got to talk to them and stuff because they are my age. That was pretty cool. Things are about the same as they have been all transfer, but I recieved a ton of strength and support this past week. I could feel my Savior stronger than ever. Thank you for all of your prayers and thoughts. They do help, I can promise you that. I wish we were teaching some people who were progressing, but it is a little hard right now and we don't have any investigators. We are working hard to find someone though and it will pick up soon I think. There is one funny story...I guess it is kind of funny. Well, it isn't very funny but it is a story. So because my Japanese is pretty dec, everywhere I go I get assigned to translate. On sunday, there were three Americans that aren't members at church. They had come to volunteer and so a member came up to me, gave me a squashed Baby Ruth bar and asked me to translate for them. One of the talks started talking about what he was learning in his physics class...it was fun. By the end of that sacrament meeting I was more tired then when I walked in. hahahaha :o) I love this work. The more I am working and the longer I am here, the more I fall in love with the badge.
Still trying to figure out why the Lord had to assign me all over the world before getting me here, but I am doing my best to serve him. This gospel is true. I know it. We can't do much on our own, but with Father and our Brother Jesus Christ by our sides, our burden is made light. If we come unto him, he will take our burden and his yoke is easy. I love you all so much. Next week is transfers so I will be emailing a different day I think. I might transfer. I have been in Kamisugi since May. I love it here and dont want to leave, but if I get transfered I think I will be ok with a new comp and new area and less travel. :o) Have a great week!!!
Love always,
Elder Zachary Taylor Page





Once again it sounds like you guys had a pretty busy week! People giving talks, Dad doing his thing and punching everybody with the spirit, Missionaries doing good, engagements ending and more missionaries going, Halloween, Portugese, and openhouses!!! Geez I feel bad when I write because I feel like I have nothing interesting to say!!
Typical Marissa to just be dang amazing and do something like send you cookies right? :oD
By the way, I got your package!! Thank you so much!! I have been giving a lot of the Warheads away for three reasons, one is because I am trying to get back into pre-mission shape, two I am trying to be more charitable in all that I do, and three, Japanese people have no idea what hits them when they pop a Warhead in their mouth!!! It is pretty funny...probably a thing you have to see to think is funny I guess. :)
But yes, Yesterday I decided that I am pathetically out of shape. So a lady in my Ward, her name is Sister Yoshida. She is a about a 38 year old single woman that loves to try and flirt with the American missionaries. Yesterday at church she taught me a knew word she learned in English..."six-pack." Then she asked me if I had one...I was so ashamed at my former abs, now mission-baby, that I decided right then that I am getting back into shape.
That was super cool to hear about Dad teaching in Portugese. I hope that I can do that when I get back. I have been falling in love with this language. It is kind of a cool feeling to be pretty much fluent in another language. :o) I am definitely think I want to use Japanese in my Job one day.
I am thinking and praying for Grandma. Tell her I love her for me mom and that I am thinking of her.
So other than a firm conviction about excersize, I am just trucking along. Had another busy week last week I travelded out of my area three times this week so it was more than enough to keep me busy. Something kind of interesting is this Japanese band called Bless4 came and did a fireside here yesterday. They are 4 siblings and they sing in English and Japanese. I actually way like them. You should look them up on Itunes and see if you can find any of there stuff. We got to talk to them and stuff because they are my age. That was pretty cool. Things are about the same as they have been all transfer, but I recieved a ton of strength and support this past week. I could feel my Savior stronger than ever. Thank you for all of your prayers and thoughts. They do help, I can promise you that. I wish we were teaching some people who were progressing, but it is a little hard right now and we don't have any investigators. We are working hard to find someone though and it will pick up soon I think. There is one funny story...I guess it is kind of funny. Well, it isn't very funny but it is a story. So because my Japanese is pretty dec, everywhere I go I get assigned to translate. On sunday, there were three Americans that aren't members at church. They had come to volunteer and so a member came up to me, gave me a squashed Baby Ruth bar and asked me to translate for them. One of the talks started talking about what he was learning in his physics class...it was fun. By the end of that sacrament meeting I was more tired then when I walked in. hahahaha :o) I love this work. The more I am working and the longer I am here, the more I fall in love with the badge.
Still trying to figure out why the Lord had to assign me all over the world before getting me here, but I am doing my best to serve him. This gospel is true. I know it. We can't do much on our own, but with Father and our Brother Jesus Christ by our sides, our burden is made light. If we come unto him, he will take our burden and his yoke is easy. I love you all so much. Next week is transfers so I will be emailing a different day I think. I might transfer. I have been in Kamisugi since May. I love it here and dont want to leave, but if I get transfered I think I will be ok with a new comp and new area and less travel. :o) Have a great week!!!
Love always,
Elder Zachary Taylor Page

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Elder Matthew Page is finally home!
Words can not express the joy of having a missionary return home, so I won't even try. The pictures speak for themselves. It has been a whirlwind week, we have been sooo very busy. Steve has been out of town and all I want to do is sit down and talk to Matthew about his experiences, but Steve is not here and I don't want him to have to repeat everything. But he has Grown sooo very much, you see it immediately. He is slowly adjusting to life outside the mission. And it truly is an adjustment. But I look forward to the days ahead just being with him. I find myself just staring and him and smiling...I could not be happier.















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