Hello Everybody!!!
Ok, so I know that I said I would be emailing on Wednesday, but things this week have been way crazy. So I don't really know where to start...I guess I will just answer your question, no I am not transfering this transfer. However, it is super sad and terrible to tell, but Elder Lay is transfering. I don't know if I have expressed it enough in my emails, but I dang love Elder Lay. We were like the greatest team ever and him getting transfered was a big surprise. President called us yesterday and he told us that one of us would be affected by the transfer and that it would be Elder Lay. President has picked Elder Lay to be his next Assistant. I totally saw that coming sometime because Elder Lay is super awesome and I knew he would be an AP sometime but it was pretty unexpected for now. So, Lay Choro transfers tonight up to the mission home and I don't get my new companion until Thursday. More sad news, Elder Ellis is transfering too. He is heading all the way north to be Zone Leader up there. So, my two brothers are getting taken from me in one week!!! It is way sad and I hate to see them go but we are definitely going to be friends after the mission so it is ok.
So, I am now the Senior Zone Leader of the Sendai Zone. My companion is Elder Watanabe. He is a Japanese missionary and we will be the zone leaders together. I am excited for a lot of reasons but it will just be great even though I hate to see Elder Lay go. Plus, now that I have a Japanese companion my Japanese will get even better which I am excited about. When President called me he told me he was trusting me to take control and to lead this zone and it is slightly scary. Lay Choro and I had a lot of plans and we worked so good together, things will shift a little bit as a new missionary with new ideas comes in. Please pray for me that I will be able to fullfill my responsibility in the Lords service because I am going to be honest, I am a little anxious/worried.
I will remember Gordan and Eula for sure. Tell them I love them and I still think of Gordan's laugh and Eula's sweet potato pie and just smile. :)
The weather is definitely cooling down around here. We have switched back to long sleeves now. It is really beautiful here when the sun sets down over the city. It is a view that I hope you guys get to come experience with me again some day!
All of our investigators are doing good. We are working really hard to keep them focused on reading the Book of Mormon and praying every day. We have seen blessings from people reading that book. I can testify that The Book of Mormon is true. It has truly become an ancor and an axis to my life and I know that peace and happiness comes through reading it. By the way, we had a baptism last week of that girl I found, Mei. She had a wonderful baptism and is very happy right now. It was wonderful to see my second baptism with Lay Choro.
Dallin sent me the sports update, thank you so much Dallin!!! That was way refreshing to see! :) hahaha
I decided that I am just going to tell everybody a funny story that hopefully will make you all smile. So, in Japan, we do member lessons all the time. The members need a lot of support so every sunday after church we teach this one member named Brother Abe. We always give him commitments to do every week and he always tries to hide from us after church. He really needs the support and help through the lessons and commitments, so Elder Lay and I always find him and trap him and teach him. However, this past week, he ran into the church library and locked us out. We told him we would wait for him outside the door. We stood there laughing for about 2 minutes when all the sudden we see Brother Abe running outside. He had climbed out of this tiny little window in the back corner of the room and escaped!! However, he left his wallet in the library. So, we took his wallet (which had about 3000 dollars of money in it) and we just waited. When he realized that we had his wallet, he just gave in and walked into a room and we taught him about better understanding the Book of Mormon. Now...I know that is probably a terrible image of missionaries and church in Japan, but I promise that it was a very spiritual experience when he sat down and just did a lesson with us. :o) hahaha
Anyways, I don't really know what else to say. I have a good bit of time today but I kind of ran out. Tell Brian that I love him. He has nothing to feel down about. We all love him and the Lord will find other ways for him to bless lives if he will seek out those paths. The will of God will never take us where the grace of God will not protect us. I know that to be true. I love you all so much. Things will be pretty busy as usual from here on out but remember that I love you all and pray for you often!!!
Love always,
Elder Zachary Taylor Page
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