13 PaGeS LoNg

WhErE tHe PaGeS oF tHiS bOoK nEvEr EnD

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Just some thoughts...

I don't think that I have ever posted on my blog without having pictures...Oh well its a first and may not be quite as interesting. I just thought that I would just type...type about thoughts and things that are going on in my life.

Life is a funny thing, it is constantly taking us on a journey. Sometime we know exactly where we are heading and other times it feels like someone else is in control of the car and we are just passengers that just want to get out! I am not too sure I like the latter but those are the times that you just hang on and try getting and see as much as you can as things are flying by you. Either way I guess it is a blessing, you are alive and experiencing things! And hopefully after it is all said and done that you can look back and see that you have grown and loved and shared some really wonderful things along the way

This time of year has become a time of pondering and looking towards change. I guess over the last few years it has become that way with children growing up, graduating, going onto missions and college. I tell myself that change is good, and I truly believe that. The trick is that we are changing for the better. Seeing my children grow up and experience things that are some times so very hard for them, can make change hard. It makes me want to look back and think why do things have to change, because sometimes the changes we go through are not by our own choosing. But what a joy it is when you see them growing and making decisions that will bless their lives forever.

I am coming up on another graduation, Zach. I know he is ready to move on from High School, but at the same time I know he is sad about moving on...thinking about things he is going to miss. Family, what a great institution!!! I have a great family, one that truly loves each other. We love being together! What greater blessing could there be. Yes it is hard to see them all going in different directions as far as location, but we are all so very near in the our hearts and thoughts.

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