13 PaGeS LoNg

WhErE tHe PaGeS oF tHiS bOoK nEvEr EnD

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

StEvE's ReuNioN !!!!

SteVe had The OppOrtuNity to gO to UtaH, To see A faMily That He BaptiZed in the FirsT Area of His MissIoN, MaCeiO, BraSil. LoUise Is MarrIeD anD LiveS in UtAh and InviteD StevE to ComE and StaND in The CiRclE of tHeir Daughter, NicOle's BlessIng. Her ParenTs Were GoinG to Be therE fROm BraZil. It wAs A sweEt ReunIon After 25 YearS!!!! A TraDitIOnal BrazIlIan MeaL...YUm!
NiColE fiNalLy SleePing

He loOks liKE he adOres Her....LiTTle NicOle

@ The JorDan RiVer TemPle

AftEr the BleSSing on NiCole

LouIsE & NatHan witH StevE

StEVe With TeReZinHa & LuiZ @ a pArK AboVe UniverSitY Of UtaH

1 comment:

pagefamily said...

Awww, great trip to take! Steve looks more relaxed than I have seen him in a while, but we NEVER see you, so that doesn't say much! He looks so happy here! Where is your Dallin update? I check every Tuesday you know to check on him, so let us know!!!
I hope Dallin will get to have an experience like this years from now. That is just icing on the cake for the missionaries!

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