13 PaGeS LoNg

WhErE tHe PaGeS oF tHiS bOoK nEvEr EnD

Monday, May 18, 2009

AbiGail'S 11th RecITal

It WaS AbbY's 11th ReCital. I bElieve She had Her besT one Yet. SHe haS reaLLy lovEd DancE thiS yEar...She Did ballEt (11thYear) ModErn (1st yeaR) She LoveD it! HiP Hop (1st Year) It HaS beeN a CraZy couPle of DayS. So I wilL HavE to PosT piCtureS of Her in HeR CostUmes LateR...We Had No TiME to TaKe thEm. She DiD a GreAt Job...WisH evEry oNe Could HavE beeN theRe to SeE it. I wilL tRy to DownLoad iT for You DalliN. ThaNks to EverYone wHo CamE. OfF to DresS ReHearSal
AfTer The ReCital
(It wAs Sooo HoT)

CousIn AmBer, ME, AbiGail, McKennA

TorY, AbiGail, MatT
(ZacH CamE to Her DresS RehearsAl sinCe he Could Not Be theRe the NigHT oF)
GraNdmA PeGgy & GranDpA JacK
(TheY HavE neveR MisseD A RecItaL)
(ShE haS 3 MorE To Go GraNdMa!)

1 comment:

Marti Family said...

Oh!!! I hate that I have never seen her dance! I loved dance! Can't wait for you to put up more pics and the video!!

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