You guys have had an eventful week to say for the menos.! (to say the least) Lotsof trials. but lots of blessings. Funny, how when we are righteous, we are blessed amidst trials. And I have no doubts that the Lord literally gives me strength and peace and comfort here because when something happens at home (when I read it on this side of the world) immediately it’s like "it’s okay, it’s in His hands, I’m here serving Him so they will be okay..blah blah. " For that I´m so grateful. I´ll be sure to pray and fast this week for you guys so that every one’s okay, especially Matt and Mom. (It´s funny cause right when y´all told me that Matt got beat up in the face, I thought OH NO, HIS SMILE! Hahaha even before you guys said the same).
This week I realized just how much Satan doesn´t like the work of the Lord...nor his missionaries. And this week, Satan didn´t like me very much and gave me a hard time...tan pesado él! (how sad) But thanks to the Lord and my amazing companion, I´m feelin’ better.
This week we had a huge activity in the ward. It was a karaoke night thingy, and I don´t know why but Latinos LOVE karoake haha. Tons of people came with less actives and with friends, and everyone was laughing and eating and just having a good ole time. We (the missionaries) planned everything, so it felt really good that it was such a success. I think I’m gonna miss crazy latino ward activities when I get home.
We also found a girl to teach and she is so awesome! Hopefully she´ll make it to her fecha en June!! Her name´s Jelen (Helen). She´s medio hippie..sunshine and God is love... BUT she is progressing really well already and I am really grateful that the Lord sends cualquier persona (people) to teach. In that sense, the work is so cool! We meet random people in the street, invite them to change their lives, and then help them do it! Que bacán. (how cool)
Gots to get headin. Thank you for all your prayers and support. If there is something that I can do to support you guys more, let me know and I´ll do it. Call me beep me if you need to reach me ;)
Thanks for being my forever family.
Love always and always,
Hermana Abigail Page
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