This week Hermana Paz and I roadtriped to Viña with all the leaders from the mission. it was a 7 hour bus ride in the middle of the night, but I liked it. (but they had the movie Avatar playing literally right in front of my that was the hardest thing not to watch haha. I ended up reading the Liahona y some cartas and then sleeping. WILL POWER!)
But in Viña we were in a consejo de leaders de la mision. Ans guess who I saw?? HERMANA BARROS! Mi mamita! I was sooo happy. And I got to see lots of old leaders, and I got to ask how Limache was (we even drived by on our way back to la Serena...almost cried haha). But it was a really great experience to talk with President and to learn how we can better the mission as leaders. Whenever we have stuff like that, I am reminded siempre that Presidente Kahnlein really is called of God to lead us as a mission!
Other than that, Hermana Paz and I are going to be pure veggies and fruits for the next forever....these completos and onces are fattin me up for a ripe ole pickin if ya know what I´m sayin.
Okay, time for pictures. Next week=better email.
Love you bunches of honey oats!
Give a reference to a misionary this week. Si o si.
Love always and always,
Hermana Abigail Page
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