This has been the worst p-day in regards with ghetto internet in my entire mission. Why you may ask? Because I´ve been at this computer for one hora and 28 minutes waiting for it to load, I barely wrote president, and now I have 2 minutes to write you guys :(
So sorry for the shortest email in the history of the world....and it would happen the week of my birthday and when I have tons of pictures and things to tell you guys haha. Pero bueno! (not good)
I love hearing from you guys so much. I don`t mean to be cheesy but it literally makes my week! And it’s kinda sad and funny in the same moment but I get so excited and I feel y’alls love so much that sometimes I almost feel like crying haha. So thank you for your prayers and thoughts and love...en todos formas! ( in all of its forms) Cause it helps make everything be a little brighter siempre :) (always)
Since i have 30 seconds, I think I´ll just end with a tesimonio (cause when in doubt, testify!). I know that Joseph saw God and Cristo. I know that there is power en quoting the words of the First Vision.
I know that the scriptures are without a doubt the palabras de Dios.( words of God) Every word is inspired. I know we can be closer to God through reading el LDM (The Book of Mormon) que en cualquier otra forma.(than in any other way) I know miracles exist, and I know God loves us. And I know that the deepest joy that we can have in this life is found in Christ and por medio de obediencia. (through obedience to His commandments)
Have a wonderful week, and PLEASE make sacrifices for the missionaries that are serving in your ward! They are angels sent to help make milagros. (miracles)
Love y’all always and always,
Hermana Abigail Page
Excerpt from Joseph Smith History (
“I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me. It no sooner appeared than I found myself delivered from the enemy which held me bound. When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!”
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