This post has taken forever. I still don't have pictures up loaded (so slow) it's hard to believe that mom has been gone for over a month now. The time has passed so quickly. Staying busy has helped I guess, but then again it has kept me from actually morning her. I have already caught myself from calling her when I had something to tell her about the kids. And I have just broken down and cried because I miss her so much, and hearing her voice tell me that things are going to be alright and that she loves me. Gathering for Easter and to celebrate Dad's birthday (which I will eventually post) was great, but mom was truly missed. Mothers are the glue, they provide the warm hugs and smiles, although Dad has gotten much better at that and truly looks forward to visits from his children. It's always been true to me that having even one person missing in my house truly makes a difference. They are gone, their spirits are not with us. Everyone is different and contributes something different.
Her funeral was really sweet. Gordon you did a hard thing,but you did it very well. I know mom was proud of you. The talks, the music, everyone who came to tell us of their love for our mother was so comforting. She was very loved and will be misses so much. I look forward to the day I see her again, and I will. We will know each other, we will love each other, and we will have a lot to catch up on. Till that day mom, I pray I will make you proud to be my mom. I love you!
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