13 PaGeS LoNg

WhErE tHe PaGeS oF tHiS bOoK nEvEr EnD

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Day 2010

Christmas Morning at the Pages Elder Smethurst skyping with his family, some of them atleast.

I did a really bad job with the camera this year! I forgot to take pictures of us opening our gifts and having breakfast! Where is my mind! So as the missionaries were leaving and as we were heading to grandma's house we took a few. It was a quiet Christmas morning this year. The missionaries were over bright and early this morning to open their gifts from home and us. This years big gift was a ping pong table. They worked hard trying to get it together but we didn't finish before we had to leave. The best part of the day was talking to Matthew. It was so great hearing his voice and knowing that he was doing well. We sure do miss him, but talking to him helps remind us of what Christmas is all about...our Savior and his gift he wants all of his children to have, and he was spending his time offering that gift to so many there in AZ. Merry Christmas!

Daisy loves Christmas...he snoops around the packages all the time!

Elder Fuller and Elder Smethurst taking their Christmas stash home!

Love is in the air!

Over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we go!

Christmas and family just go together!

Our drive home from Grandma's....it was going to be a white Christmas after all!

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