13 PaGeS LoNg

WhErE tHe PaGeS oF tHiS bOoK nEvEr EnD

Saturday, June 19, 2010

GrAduaTioN DaY!

Well we have graduate #3! 2 more to go. It was a very hot day for a graduation. Atleast it was not held outside. But it was hot enough for Zach to never let me get a picture of him in his Cap & Gown!!! Oh well we know what he accomplished and that he graduated. It was a nice graduation..."They kept their shoes on the whole time" from one of the speakers. Like Dallin & Matthew, Zach graduated Summa Cum Laude with Beta, NC Scholar. Congratulations Zach, now on the the exciting part!!!

Alcides getting his diploma
Zach Marching!
Abigail & Angela
The Family - Matthew

Great bunch of youth

The 3 amigos
Aunt Bean & cousin Ashley
Hailey Gardiner & Alcides
His time here is almost over...

Chris Neal & Zach
The Graduates!
"Look what I got Mom!"

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