13 PaGeS LoNg

WhErE tHe PaGeS oF tHiS bOoK nEvEr EnD

Monday, March 9, 2009

Prom 2009

Our Laurel/Priest Prom was this weekend. The kids had a great time. We fed them dinner in our home...yum, yum! We really tried to have it very nice, just like in a resturant, with waiters and all. I think they really enjoyed it. Here are I warn you ALOT of pictures from the evening in no particular order.

ZaCharY actIng Like he Is ClarK Kent,so I gUess thaT JeLanA is Lois LaNe.

Me WiTh ZacH & JeLana

ABbY & DaisY. AbbY Was One of My WaitResS, anD She did A woNderFul Job. THaNks AbbY!!!!!

JeLana, ZaCh (not sure about the face) BreAnnA & MichAeL.

Tory PeAkinG ThroUgh.

EatiNg DinNer


The WholE GanG!

@ The DaNce...Bro. PeAcock teAchiNg Matt SomE moVes.

I Was THis Close To GetTinG a DaTe.
MCkeNna WaS ComIng and StilL is, But ShE Got Her PlaNe TIcket and They ChanGed The Date Of The ProM!

MaTt, MiChAel, Bro.PeCocK, & ZacH

Me & JeLaNa

GrAnT, Matt (I guess getting more advise from Pro. P) SteVe, ZacH & Me.

BeN's VA GirL LorIsSa

JeLanA & LuKe

jeLanA & YiSelle




KaRen JoHnSon & ME

"No iT gOeS LikE ThiS"

Bre & MiChaeL

ZaCh & mE

Bro. P & BiShop PaGe

BeN & LoriSsA

"No It GoeS LikE ThiS!"

We FinAllY gEt tO Eat.

MoRe DinnEr

GreaT lOoKinG bUnCh Of YouNg Men.
ZaCh, MatT, MicHaEl, GrAnt, DuStiN

ZacH, JeLanA, KayE, BreAnnA, MichAel, DuStin, MatT, GranT

AbbY WorKing HarD To KeEp EverY oNe HappY!

BeaUtIfUl GirlS

Our WaiTer TorY

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