The transfer meeting was HUGE. Entire zonas got changed out, tons of newbies arrived, and the office is almost completely new tambien. So it was cool to see lots of friends and old leaders.
But when they called my name and said "Hermana Page como hermana líder entrenadora" shouldve heard the gasps and the "en serio´s"..I´m still not sure if that was a good reaction or not haha.
But I got transfered to the zona "La Serena Norte" in the ward Brillador. It´s on the beach and it´s pure houses and streets...completely different than my country/campo Limache. And it´s in the furtherest north you can go in the mission, so the bus ride to my new area was 7 hours..I got here at like 3 in the morning (and then we still had to get up at 7...boooooooo). But whatever! My companions name is Hermana Paz, de Mexico. Turns out I already know her cause she was our Hermana Lider Entrenadora por Limache for like 3 months. So I was happy that I didnt have to do the whole awkward "getting to know you" stuff. She ends her mission in May so I won´t have much time with her, but I´m excited to learn lots!
But yeah, so I´m the new hermana lider entrenadora en el norte! It´s like a girl zone leader. The Lord has a sense of humor really cause the truth is in the other cambio I felt like I was platowing (I know thats spelt wrong but ya get me) en a lot of ways in the mission and I knew that I needed to change if I wanted to progress again. So I was praying that something would happen that I could grow and progress and help the Lord lots in the mission. But NEVER in my wildest dreams did I think "oh I´ll be a lider entrenadora". And then poof, the fat lady sang and here I am in the other side of the mission as a leader for other missionaries with nothing of time (or spanish) under my belt. Haha Dioscito, good one.
I´m just so glad that the Lord knows us better than we know ourselves, otherwise I would be so scared! But I know I have this calling for a reason and that it´s gonna help me por lo menos, cause that´s what I was praying for, right?
**I just got interrupted in writing this email cause I lady was trying to ask someone about a computer...and I was thinking "hmm, her accent..nope she´s not from here". So I turned and told her in english what they were trying to tell her in Spanish, and she looked so confused and startled that that I was speaking her language. She was like "You know english fluently? Wow!"
No you fool, I´m not Chilean. Pero, kuddos for thinkin I´m latina. Score.
Turns out she was from Arizona. But that´s that. I´m going to continue with my real email now. **
But that´s literally ALL the time I´ve got today. I´m down to seconds left, and I know I left a lot out. Sorry. If there´s something ya wanted to know that I didn´t say, let me know!
I love you all so much. I know the Lord´s hand is in everything. It gets more and more obvious everyday. He truely loves us!
Love always and always,
Hermana Abigail Page
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