13 PaGeS LoNg

WhErE tHe PaGeS oF tHiS bOoK nEvEr EnD

Friday, January 18, 2013

The House is all quiet...

The house is all quiet. I have got to get some new projects going. Life is constantly changing. I have been blessed to spend some time with my aging parents. It has been fun to just sit and chat, laugh, and talk about their progress in therapy and cry about their setbacks. The cycle of life is a funny thing, you know how when we are in one part of life and we are looking on while others are in a different, and we think that we are so far off from being where they are, when in reality we aren't. It all goes by so very quickly. I think I can honestly say that I have enjoyed each stage of life so far, they all bring difficulties, and challenges, but they also bring so much laughter and joy too. Either way I am so grateful for my life and the people in it, my parents, brothers and sisters, their children. Grateful so very much for my own family, they are the most wonderful people I know, so brave, and strong, and sooo funny! Grateful for so many wonderful friends, sooo many! My Heavenly Father has been so very kind to me. Since I am so behind on my blog, I am going to just put up pictures from Christmas here(they are pictures that include all those people I love) - CHRISTMAS AT GRANDMA PEGGY'S-
Gatherings with Friends:
Christmas at Grandma Myra's

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